From the course: Active Listening for Better Leadership Communication

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Defining the three types of actions to take after active listening

Defining the three types of actions to take after active listening

From the course: Active Listening for Better Leadership Communication

Defining the three types of actions to take after active listening

- The actions you take show your team that you've heard them and that they can trust you. After watching this video, you will identify three types of action that are possible or necessary after your team interactions. Taking action after team interactions will take you and your team far. Here's a simple acronym to help you remember the three types of action to take. F, follow-up, A, accountability, and R, relationship building. For example, if a team member asks about a company policy that you don't know off the top of your head, you'll need to follow up after the meeting and address your concerns. When you do this, your team member will feel heard and important because you acknowledged their concern and got the information they needed. Each situation is different, and based on the situation, you'll need to F, A, or R. The first is follow-up. These are actions that are taken to address any concerns or issues…
