From the course: Account Management: Maintaining Relationships

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Owning your mistakes

Owning your mistakes

- So you've just found out it's gone wrong. The customer has called you to explain, and maybe they're angry, maybe they're disappointed, or maybe they're just letting you know, in a calm and composed manner. But the first and most important thing to do is to own your mistake. It doesn't matter if it's your mistake or not. It could be a colleague, a supplier, someone junior, or your boss, it doesn't matter. You own the relationship with the customer. You sold them the product and you assured value would be delivered. So you need to own the mistake. And this isn't to say you should make up a reason and say why it happened, then blame it on yourself. But this is to apologize for the wrongdoing and take personal responsibility for investigating and fixing the problem. Do not point fingers and blame other people. That makes you look out of control, and like you're just shifting the blame elsewhere. Never undermine your own…
