From the course: Account Management: Maintaining Relationships

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Not delivering on promised value

Not delivering on promised value

- For the final chapter of this course, I wanted to cover something a lot of us have experienced and can be an uncomfortable situation to deal with. And that is when something goes wrong with delivery. Whether it's your fault or not, it happens. Sometimes suppliers can let you down. Sometimes colleagues can let you down. And sometimes you can let yourself down by making a stupid mistake. You may just fall a little bit short of what was promised or you may totally miss the mark. However, we're good, reputable salespeople so we don't want the damage to our names being done. We want the return business and the potential referrals and just to be seen in a positive light. Whatever your motivation is, we need to get it fixed and get it back moving in the right direction. So the next few sections are about exactly that. We're going to look at owning our mistakes, making it right, and then and maybe most importantly, not letting it…
