From the course: Account Management: Maintaining Relationships

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Making it right

Making it right

- So we've owned the mistake, and we've taken responsibility for setting it right. Next, we'll look at ensuring it doesn't happen again. Right now, we need to look at making it right. So how do we do that? How do we right the wrong? Aside from actually fixing the problem, is there anything more that we can do? Should we be throwing discounts at our clients? Should we be going to their office and groveling for forgiveness, or should we do nothing at all? Well, most people go for the first option. They panic and they think the only way back into the customer's good books is by buying their way out of the situation. And this can work. It certainly doesn't make things worse, but it doesn't command confidence and respect. Owning your mistake, giving your assurance it will be fixed, and actually fixing it, should be enough. Accidents happen. And if it's a one-off, then your customer should understand that. Of course, if…
