From the course: Account Management: Maintaining Relationships

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Keep it professional

- Whilst making a personal connection is crucial to building a strong and long-term relationship, you must still keep it professional. This is after all a professional relationship. It may transcend that and you'll become closer friends in real life, but at least for now particularly while you're doing business together, this is a professional relationship. But there's nothing to say, you can't use that to further solidify what you have with them and ensure they keep coming back to you. Generally, when people choose someone to do a job, they want them to do the job. Making a friend along the way is simply a bonus, not a requirement. So by this logic, ensuring your professional relationship is strong before your personal relationship, it's the correct answer. So how can we do that? First, let's ask for feedback. This is on a few things, the experience they had in dealing with your company, the experience they had in…
