From the course: Account Management: Maintaining Relationships

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- So, there we have it, you've completed this course on maintaining relationships after you've sold to your client. We've covered relationship selling to keep them buying and referring. How to meet and treat them with something they'll actually like and appreciate. How to automate as much as possible, removing as much stress as we can. And what to do when the delivery goes wrong. Just remember, consider what your prospect will enjoy, not just what's glamorous or others might enjoy. Refer in two directions, it benefits everyone. Your customers will benefit meeting your suppliers, and your suppliers will benefit meeting your customers. Use notes to remember key details about your customers and use your calendar to never miss a birthday, holiday, or significant date. Use software to stay on top of deals going rotten, own your mistakes, and work hard to not let them happen twice. And, finally, don't panic and offer discounts.…
