From the course: Accessibility-First Design

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Automated accessibility testing

Automated accessibility testing

From the course: Accessibility-First Design

Automated accessibility testing

- [Instructor] Automated accessibility testing only identifies about 30% of accessibility issues that are easily detectable so it's not a replacement for manual and user testing. But automated testing offers valuable reinforcement and convenience with routine feedback throughout the product development process. Automated accessibility testing detects issues such as color contrast, heading levels, document structure and semantics, accessible naming and property use of links and buttons. These tools come in a few different forms. First, there are web browser developer tools. In Chromium-based browsers such as Chrome and Microsoft Edge, the developer tools provide Lighthouse which can run checks for accessibility, performance, best practices, SEO, and more. This is a quick way to evaluate work at any stage of development. The accessibility checks report any successes and failures with helpful descriptions and links to further…
