From the course: Access 2016 Essential Training
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Setting data sources
From the course: Access 2016 Essential Training
Setting data sources
- In order to create a Form from scratch, the first thing we need to do is connect it to a data source. A Form can get its data either from a Table or a Query, and if you choose a Query, you can either use a pre-made Query that's saved in your Navigation Pane, or create an embedded Query directly inside of the Form. Let's begin to create a Form that we will refine over the next few movies. So here's the scenario. The Landon Hotel wants a Form that will allow them to review the employee data of their executive team. We can find that data here in the Employees Table, so let's go ahead and create a Query that's going to gather the records we want. I'll go up here to the Create tab and we'll start a new Query in Design View. We'll go ahead and add in our LandonEmployees Table and close the Show Table window. Then, I want to add all of the Fields from this Table down into my Query grid. Previously, we've seen the shortcut that we could just double click on this "*" character. Let me show…
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Creating forms in Design view4m 29s
Exploring the form property sheet4m 55s
Setting data sources6m 8s
Adding components with form controls11m 28s
Understanding input boxes5m 24s
Record navigation4m 2s
Adding buttons4m 21s
Assigning a tab order4m 36s
Checking out the More Forms options5m 57s
Creating a navigation form4m 25s
Challenge: Creating forms46s
Solution: Creating forms4m 29s