From the course: Access 2016 Essential Training

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Setting data sources

Setting data sources

- In order to create a Form from scratch, the first thing we need to do is connect it to a data source. A Form can get its data either from a Table or a Query, and if you choose a Query, you can either use a pre-made Query that's saved in your Navigation Pane, or create an embedded Query directly inside of the Form. Let's begin to create a Form that we will refine over the next few movies. So here's the scenario. The Landon Hotel wants a Form that will allow them to review the employee data of their executive team. We can find that data here in the Employees Table, so let's go ahead and create a Query that's going to gather the records we want. I'll go up here to the Create tab and we'll start a new Query in Design View. We'll go ahead and add in our LandonEmployees Table and close the Show Table window. Then, I want to add all of the Fields from this Table down into my Query grid. Previously, we've seen the shortcut that we could just double click on this "*" character. Let me show…
