From the course: Access 2016 Essential Training

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Creating custom Ribbon tabs

Creating custom Ribbon tabs

- When working in Access, you'll soon find that you have a small group of very commonly used tools that return to time and time again. Some of these tools are already present in their ribbons, but some won't be. You can create a custom ribbon tab with your own set of commonly used commands in order to speed up your work. In order to create your custom ribbon tab, you'll come up to the File tab and then come down to Options. Next, we'll go ahead and select the Customize Ribbon option here, and we can see a list of all of the ribbon tabs over here on the right and the commands over here on the left. In order to create a new ribbon, I'll press this button down here that says New Tab. I'll go ahead and do that, and then I'm going to click here where it says New Tab and New Group. I'll click on New Tab and press Rename. Let's go ahead and give it a name of Landon Hotel. And press OK. Then we have the group here. Right now it says New Group. I'll press the Rename button here. We get to…
