From the course: A Manager's Guide to Inclusive Teams

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Inclusion as a team value

Inclusion as a team value

- Your values are your guideposts as a team and establishing inclusion as a team value works to set the tone around the culture you want to create. But team members can see your right through it when you come out of the gate with a whole set of values that the team doesn't yet embody. So it's important to co-create values with your team and differentiate between what's currently true now and what you aspire to be true in the future. In this lesson, you will learn about crafting team values so that you can establish inclusion as a core value on your team. Author and management consultant, Patrick Lencioni discusses how to set team values in his book, "The Advantage". He shares that while we often talk about values as just one thing, there are really four categories of values. Core values are the beliefs that you've always held as a team. Permission to play values are the table stakes for being a member of the team kind…
