From the course: A Beginner’s Guide to Social Selling on LinkedIn

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Smart tracking

Smart tracking

You've just had a great initial call with the prospect and you can't wait to send them over some follow up information. What if you had not only the ability to see if your prospect has opened up or a proposal that you sent, but also which pages they spent the most time on? What if you were able to add YouTube videos and get reporting on viewership? Well, you'll be excited to know that LinkedIn offers those exact type of services. In this lesson, I'm going to show you how the LinkedIn Smart Link allows you to send collateral and documents with smart tracking links so you'll have access to invaluable insights on the content you're sending to your clients. It also gives you great insights into how you should appropriately follow up. One note, this feature is only available once a premium membership is purchased. One feature of smart links are bundles. From capabilities next to proposals, Smart Links allow you to package and send PowerPoints, PDFs, YouTube videos, and even some URLs to…
