From the course: A Beginner’s Guide to Social Selling on LinkedIn

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Messaging best practices

Messaging best practices

The most important thing to keep in mind when coming up with your messaging strategy on LinkedIn is to start with the end in mind. When crafting your messaging, it's important to think through how you can take your customer on a simplified journey through your sales process, how you can provide them value, be a resource, while also allowing them to convert as seamlessly as possible. The question I like to remind people to ask themselves is, Have I earned the right to ask for a meeting? When it comes to creating a successful social selling messaging sequence, there are five things to keep in mind. Being personal is always a good idea, but being too personal can scare prospects into ghosting. Using first names, responding to specific questions and engaging with discovery questions are powerful tools in helping prospects feel more comfortable and to help you shed that ‘bot’ persona. Remember to keep it balanced. Cultivate trust. Just like with your profile, you'll want to introduce…
