From the course: A Beginner’s Guide to Social Selling on LinkedIn

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LinkedIn profile optimization

LinkedIn profile optimization

Before you can settle into sending curated messaging to clients, you have to optimize your profile for optimal selling results. Let's say you sent a message to a list of 200 contacts. Most of them respond and the conversation is going well. You decide it's time to make a pitch and you're 99% sure nearly all of them are warm enough to take it. But your pitch doesn't work. So what went wrong? You didn't optimize your profile, which means there's no phone number or website linked for potential customers to do research. And no research suggests they can't effectively vet what you're saying or utilize your contact information to learn more. In this lesson, I'll explain the importance of your profile's first impression and how to optimize and update your LinkedIn landing page so it accomplishes everything you intend for it to. Think of your profile as the precursor to the final sale. If it's not optimized, you probably won't make the sale. Let me explain. First, update outdated information.…
