From the course: A Beginner’s Guide to Social Selling on LinkedIn

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Creating newsletters

Creating newsletters

Do you have a monthly blog that exists but doesn't get much traffic? Or have you created a community that's longing to hear from you consistently and you just haven't found the right medium to deliver this content consistently? It's thought leadership and being considered an expert a critical part of your sales cycle? If any of the above resonated with you, or if you're just interested in communicating more regularly with your audience, then you'll be excited to hear about the newsletter feature LinkedIn has rolled out. In this lesson, I'm going to explain how to create your first LinkedIn newsletter and how newsletters can have a tremendous impact on your business. LinkedIn newsletters are a great way to keep your followers in the loop and remind them of what you're doing. For example, it's easy to create exclusive content that's visible only in your newsletter, or you can share snippets of your latest blog post and give your subscribers a behind the scenes look at what you're up to.…
