From the course: A Beginner’s Guide to Social Selling on LinkedIn

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Creating compelling content

Creating compelling content

The phrase, “Throwing something against the wall and hoping it sticks,” refers to attempts from individuals or companies to try something new with fingers crossed that it will work. If it does, they got lucky and everything is good to go. But what happens when it doesn't work? As often new things don't. In this lesson, I want to share with you some critical best practices when creating your content on LinkedIn, so when you throw it against a wall, you've considered all available information to you and we'll have crafted the best Version One possible. This will also ensure you have as many ways to measure if it stuck as possible so you can make the appropriate adjustments quickly. There are four stages to consider when creating compelling content. First, attract new prospects with lead magnets. Lead magnets are perfect for LinkedIn marketing. They help you build a sales pipeline and give you more chances to pitch potential clients. Next, build trust through case studies. Case studies…
