From the course: A Beginner’s Guide to Social Selling on LinkedIn

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Crafting your follow-up strategy

Crafting your follow-up strategy

Social selling is the new cold calling. And I want to help you seamlessly close deals and nurture relationships online with these winning best practices for crafting your follow up strategy. With an estimated 830 million members, LinkedIn has grown tremendously since its launch in 2002. And of those 830 million members, top performing salespeople were 53% more likely to have expanded their LinkedIn network, compared with their average peers at only 25% in 2022. And this lesson I'll explain how to craft your follow up strategy so you can not only maximize the impact of that awesome first impression you've created with your prospects, but continue to take them through your buying cycle, helping them to convert quickly and officially when appropriate. Number one, utilize your buyer's language. It can be tempting to utilize the same language you use in everyday life, whether it's the lingo you use on the job or even your brand voice. However, it's actually more useful to utilize the…
