From the course: 3ds Max: Substance to Arnold

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Using the PSD file

Using the PSD file

- [Instructor] Having seen how easy it is to work with the 16-bit exr files that we exported from Substance Painter, what we want to do now is look at how we might also go about using the 8-bit psd file that we exported as well. To take a look at that, probably the first thing that we will want to do in the material editor and robot tab is drop an Arnold standard surface material onto a blank area of the canvas, and after adding a bitmap node as well from the scene assets, images, textures, painter, and PSD folder, select the single dot psd file that we see there. Now this will instantly bring up the psd import options dialog, where we essentially have two import options open to us. The first is to bring the whole file in as a flattened image, which wouldn't really be of any use to us here. All we can, as I will do, choose to select an individual and specific layer from the file. So let's grab the base color channel and click okay. Once that is complete, we can apply the material to…
