From the course: 3ds Max: Substance to Arnold

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Using EXR maps in Arnold

Using EXR maps in Arnold

- [Instructor] Having exported our graph from Substance Designer as high bit depth open EXR files, time in this exercise to put them to work and see if the final render that we get from them differs significantly or indeed in any way at all from the substance version of the material that we worked with in the previous chapter. Inside 3ds Max then let's open up the Material Editor and in the Wall tab select all of the nodes in the existing material tree and then after holding down the shift key, left click and drag to create copies of them all. Once done, we can select and right click on just the Arnold Material node itself and then use the Move Tree To View command to send all of these copies to the Wall EXR's tab that I have already added to this version of the scene. Jumping into that tab, the next thing I want to do is delete all of the substance-related nodes that we have here, so the substance and output map selectors. After which we can grab a bitmap node from the browser and…
