From the course: 3ds Max: Substance to Arnold

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Setting up the Bitmap2Material node

Setting up the Bitmap2Material node

From the course: 3ds Max: Substance to Arnold

Setting up the Bitmap2Material node

- [Instructor] Before we go ahead and connect our bitmap to material node to the AI standard surface node that we created in the previous exercise, there are a couple of steps that we need to take in order to keep things from being fouled. the first of which is critical in that our substance won't render without taking it. And so, let's hit the F10 key to open up the render setup dialog, and from inside the system tab, put a check in the Legacy 3DS Max map support box. Now, depending on the version of 3DS Max and Arnold that we are using, this step may no longer be necessary, though obviously it was at the time of this recording. After closing the render setup dialog, we can open up the material editor and ground tabs, and add the generated image that we will be using. To do that, we can add a bitmap node from the browser, and then from the exercise files folder, jump into the scene assets, images, textures, and bitmap to material three folders, grabbing the grass.png file that we see…
