From the course: 3ds Max: Substance to Arnold

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Resolution tweak

Resolution tweak

- [Narrator] What we want to do in this particular video is make a quick and easy tweak to the quality of the render that we are getting from Arnold at this point in the project. Now we did mention back in the previous chapter that whilst we do have the ability to increase the resolution of our substance graph before outputting it from Designer, which would in turn increase the quality of the renders that we are getting from it, a much more sensible approach is to make those kinds of changes right here in 3ds Max itself. To that end then, let's open up the Material Editor if it isn't already open and in the wall material tab double-click to load our substance options into the parameter editor, where in the output settings rollout we can see that we are currently using a substance resolution of 512 by 512. Making sure that we have a check in the lock ratio box then, seeing as I am going to want these numbers to be edited in tandem, let's set a new resolution of 2048 by 2048 to match…
