From the course: 3ds Max: Substance to Arnold

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Plugin features

Plugin features

- [Instructor] What better way to conclude our chapter than to spend a few minutes highlighting some of the nice little features of the Substance to 3DS Max plugin that add even more flexibility to our Substance and Max texturing and rendering pipeline. With the material editor and wall materials tabs open then, let's double-click to load up the Substance parameters and take a look in the Substance package browser rollout, where you may or may not have already noticed that we have this Selected Graph option, which currently contains just the red brick graph that we have been working with here. If I click to load up a new .sbsar file though, and from our Substances folder, grab the old yellow brick file that we have there, you can see that when we access the dropdown again, we actually have two graphs from which to choose. And if we opt for the yellow brick option, you can see that we do indeed get yellow bricks from our Substance, something very clearly seen if we go ahead and take a…
