From the course: 3ds Max: Substance to Arnold

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Final render settings

Final render settings

- [Instructor] As we close in on the end of our course then, all that really remains is for us to add on or two quick tweaks to the scene's settings and then render out a final image to show off the substance-based work that we have been doing. First of all, then, let's load the render from our previous exercise into Max and perform a little bit of critical analysis in order to see what, if any, tweaks we might want to add. So, as to improve the finished item. Well, I think the very first thing that strikes me about the render as it stands is that most of the colors look a little dark and contrasty for my liking. Particularly, so, on the wall and ground materials. Being a huge lover of natural-light, still-life photography, I love to see natural tones in the colors of objects. Now, of course, given the nature of post production, this is often times not what we are used to seeing in our imagery and so if you are happier with the look that we have here then by all means feel free to add…
