From the course: 3ds Max: Substance to Arnold

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Exporting PSD files

Exporting PSD files

- [Narrator] Another export option available to us when working in Substance Painter is that of writing out multi-layered PSD files that could then be used in 3ds max and arnold with the standard surface material. To show how basic Photoshop export works in Substance Painter, let's use the export textures command once again, and this time make certain that our output path is set to the psd folder, that again can be found in the exercise file structure. We will want to set the file type to either the 8 or 16 bit psd option; we will stick with 8 bit on this occasion. We will want just the wheel texture set enabled, seeing as we have already written exr files for the others and we will also need to have the correct arnold option chosen in the config drop-down. With all of that done, we can hit the export button, and once the export is complete, we can click to open the psd folder, where we do indeed have quite a large single psd file waiting. If I just click to open that up in Photoshop,…
