From the course: 3ds Max: Substance to Arnold

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Creating bitmap output files

Creating bitmap output files

- [Instructor] In this last exercise for the chapter we're going to quickly demonstrate how we could if we either needed or wanted swap out the procedural inputs beings fed into our Arnold material and instead of make use of regular bitmaps, all of course without altering the look of the final rendered piece in any noticeable way. Now, there are in fact two approaches that we could take here. One would be to use what appears in my experience at least to be a seldom used piece of 3ds Max functionality, namely the Render Map option that can be found by right clicking on any map node in the Material Editor or we could come to the Output Settings rollout on our Substance node and use the Bake Outputs button. This when clicked let's us select a folder to which our files will be written after which we get to choose the output format or rather we can choose between the JPEG, PNG and bitmap formats. Now, the problem I currently have with this approach is that it literally writes out a file…
