From the course: 3ds Max and Twinmotion: Architectural Visualization

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Creating presentations

Creating presentations

- If you want to sequence images and video together, you can do this using Presenter. And this is a great way to present twin motion scenes to your clients. So we can create presentations in the media menu. So all we have to do is click on Presenter and then we want to create a Presenter. Now it's just going to create a default Presenter. And then what we do is we add in still images, panoramas, and video, as we see fit. I'm going to just click here to add in some media. So you can see we've got images, we have a panorama, we've got a couple of videos. So I'm going to select video one and just drag that here. Now it brings it in and now we can see the video. If we want, we can scroll through the video. This is kind of just like an opening shot. If we want, we can add still images. So let's go ahead and maybe add this one here maybe a top view here, maybe a back view and then maybe a view of winter. So now I've got all of…
