From the course: 3ds Max 2025 Essential Training

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Quicksilver options

Quicksilver options

- [Tutor] In the previous movie, we started setting up our options for the Quicksilver hardware renderer. I've got the rendering from the last movie in the rendered frame window, so we can compare this to a later version. I will clone the rendered frame window and minimize it. In the render setup dialogue, in the Quicksilver renderer tab, we come to the visual style and appearance options. The first thing is the visual style pull down. It's set to realistic by default, and that's what we want. We don't want any stylized, non-photo real rendering. Textures are enabled by default. We want to leave that on. Transparency is also enabled by default. But transparency in Quicksilver is very basic, because it does not support ray-tracing. I don't have any transparent surfaces visible in this scene. There actually are window glazing objects here, but I've hidden them. So since we have no transparent objects visible, the state of the transparency checkbox is not relevant. Below that, we have…
