From the course: 3ds Max 2025 Essential Training

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Introducing snap

Introducing snap

- [Instructor] To Transform or Create Objects with Precision, you'll want to use the Snap Tools. We've got a button up here on the Main Toolbar, Snaps Toggle. First, let's look at what we can actually Snap to. If we just right click on any one of these magnet icons, we'll get the Grid and Snap Settings Dialogue, and the Snaps Tab shows us all the things that we are able to Snap to. We could Snap to Vertices or Points. We could Snap to Faces or Polygons and so on. The default is Grid Points. We'll be Snapping to the Intersections of Grid Lines. Okay, I'll close that dialogue. And I want to enter into Snaps. I'll just click on the button up here, and with that button enabled, if I move my cursor around any Viewport, I don't see anything special. No Snapping is taking place right now, because Snaps only work with Position-based tools, such as Select and Move or Create a Primitive. Those are conditions in which you can actually Snap to things. I want to go into the Select and Move Tool…
