From the course: 3ds Max 2025 Essential Training

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Accelerate workflow with Hotkey shortcuts

Accelerate workflow with Hotkey shortcuts - 3ds Max Tutorial

From the course: 3ds Max 2025 Essential Training

Accelerate workflow with Hotkey shortcuts

- [Instructor] MAX has a very sophisticated and complete set of keyboard and mouse shortcuts known as hotkeys. Almost every key on your keyboard is bound to some command, and you can find a list of all those hotkeys and also edit them in a window called the hotkey editor, and that's found in the customized menu hotkey editor. We don't have time to go through how to edit hotkeys in this course, but you can probably figure it out pretty much on your own. The main thing I want to point out in this window is that hotkeys are context sensitive. We'll see that each hotkey command has a group column here, and these are all the various groups, and that is an indicator that the hotkey is going to depend upon what you're doing, what particular tool or particular mode you're in at that moment, right? So because those hotkeys are context sensitive, there is a global switch to override all of the sort of sub hotkeys, the ones that are only active when you're in a particular mode. Up here on the…
