From the course: 3ds Max 2024 Essential Training

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Navigating in viewports

Navigating in viewports

- [Instructor] We've seen how to manipulate objects within the 3D world. Now let's talk about changing our viewpoint in that 3D world, looking at it from different angles. In the lower right, we've got some icons here for viewport navigation and we'll take a couple of movies to cover all of these. Let's start with just maximizing the viewport. Sometimes we want a full screen view. And to accomplish that, we'll give focus to a particular view port, such as this perspective view. We can click in it, make sure it's got a yellow border around it. And then in the extreme lower right corner of the Max interface, you've got a button maximize viewport toggle. Click that once and the active viewport is going to be full screen and click it again to send it back to whatever the previous layout was. All right, so that's how to maximize a view. Now let's talk about moving within the 3D world. And one way to do that is with the…
