From the course: 3ds Max 2023 Essential Training

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Specifying system units

Specifying system units

- [Narrator] The display unit scale setting that we saw in the previous movie allows us to change the system of measurement, but it doesn't actually change the size of objects. It doesn't scale the world but there is a way it has change the scale of the world and the accuracy of spatial calculations. By changing the system units, let's take a look. I've got this one cubic meter box here, select it go over to the modified panel to show you length, width and height are set to one meter. My display units are set to metric and meters. Now let's go into the customized menu to units setup. The big button at the top is labeled System Unit Setup click on that and it launches a child window System Unit Setup. And here we can set the internal accuracy of 3ds Max. We can set a system unit to any size and that will effectively scale the world up or down. An example of when you might need to do this is if your modeling a very large or a…
