From the course: 3ds Max 2023 Essential Training

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Creating primitives with keyboard entry

Creating primitives with keyboard entry - 3ds Max Tutorial

From the course: 3ds Max 2023 Essential Training

Creating primitives with keyboard entry

- [Man] Now that we've tamed the 3ds Max user interface, we can proceed now to actually creating some objects. And we can create objects in a couple different ways. One way is through the main menus. You'll see create, and there are a bunch of categories such as standard primitives. A primitive is a building block object such as a box or a sphere. But if you do it this way, you only have the option to create objects interactively by clicking and dragging, you don't have the ability to plug in numerical values at this stage. However, if you create primitives using the other method, then you can choose whether you want to plug in numerical values or interactively drag in order to create your object. So usually 3ds Max users will do it the other way, which is through the create panel. So over here we've got our create panel, and we see that the create panel has a bunch of categories, geometry, shapes, lights, cameras, and so…
