From the course: 3ds Max 2023 Essential Training

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Adding edges with Cut

Adding edges with Cut

- [Narrator] The cut tool, lets you interactively slice through any part of a model and it's very intuitive. And additionally it will snap to individual sub objects that already exist on the model so you can get clean geometry. And in this case, we want to employ it in order to get rid of this problematic situation, which is known as a concave polygon. In every corner on this object on these walls we have this problematic situation of a concave polygon, and that is a situation we want to avoid when we're doing a Boolean. So the simple solution to this is just to cut a new edge straight through here at that corner. And that will divide this concave polygon into two convex polygons. The blue outline around the model makes it a little bit harder for me to visualize what I'm working on. And since I have edged faces turned on, I know that the object is selected when those edges are highlighted in white. So I…
