From the course: 3D Animation and Rigging

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Walk cycle to progressive animation

Walk cycle to progressive animation - Maya Tutorial

From the course: 3D Animation and Rigging

Walk cycle to progressive animation

- [Instructor] Hi there. Today we're actually going to answer a question that I got on LinkedIn. I thought it was such a good question. We'll turn it into a lesson. And that question is how do I turn a walk cycle into progressive animation? In other words, how do I stop a character from walking in place and make him walk through the scene? So, we can do this using what are called Animation Layers. So let's start off by taking a look at what we have. Now I've animated this very simple walk cycle. And so the character is moving back and forth and he goes from frame one to 25. Now, if I were to expand my timeline say to about 100 frames or so, you could see that, well, first off he stops at frame 25. So what I want to do is actually create the cycle. Now, if you go to the display layers, you'll see I have my controls wide open. My geometry is referenced. So if I left click and drag, you can see I can select all of the…
