From the course: 3D Animation and Rigging

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Understanding animation layers

Understanding animation layers - Maya Tutorial

From the course: 3D Animation and Rigging

Understanding animation layers

- [Instructor] Hi there. Today we're going to take a look at Maya's animation layer which is a great way to create animation as well as adjust it. Now, what it does is it allows you to separate out your animations so that you can adjust it separately. So, let's just take a look at how this works. So, in my channel box, we have our normal display layers here, and actually I have a water layer here that I want to turn on. And, what we're actually doing is, this character is basically just floating in a pond and he's kind of hanging out. But, he's not really bobbing up and down in the water. So it doesn't really look like he's in the water. So what we want to do is create some animation to do that. Now I already have this character's hips animated slightly. And so if I were to add up and down motion to that, it would really complicate things. So, animation layers can really help with stuff like this. So I'm going to hop…
