From the course: 20 Rules for Visual Communication

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Rule 3: Commit to quality

Rule 3: Commit to quality

- As Steve Jobs once said, "The broader one's understanding of the human experience, the better design we will have." Over the last two lessons, we discussed both the nurtured and innate factors driving our current human experience and how those considerations play into visual communication. Now it's time to tackle that better design piece of Jobs' quote with a commitment to quality. You see, 94% of first impressions of a brand or service are based entirely on the design of the content that they deliver to their audiences. This is because today's audiences have quite discerning tastes for a variety of reasons. For example, today's audiences are just as much content creators as they are consumers, giving them a more critical eye for key details and a brand's expended effort when making similar content. Think about it. Thanks to Instagram and advances in smartphone cameras, we can make almost any photo we capture…
