LinkedIn's Ad Library

Last updated: 8 months ago

LinkedIn’s Ad Library is a publicly available database that gives you information about ads that have run on LinkedIn.

Using the Ad Library, you can search for ads by: 

  • Advertiser name 
  • Keyword
  • Country
  • Date range 

As part of our commitment to creating a safe and trusted ad experience, the Ad Library includes information about ads served on LinkedIn, including: 

  • Ad preview
  • Ad format 
  • Advertiser name 
  • Payer name 
  • Whether the ad is restricted 

For ads targeted to the European Union, the Ad Library shows additional information to comply with the law, including information about ad impressions, ad targeting, and the dates the ad ran. Learn more.

The Ad Library includes ads that ran on LinkedIn after June 1, 2023, and ads remain in Ad Library for one year after their last impression on LinkedIn. Ads will typically appear in the Ad Library within 24-48 hours from the time the ad gets its first impression. Any changes or updates made to an ad are also typically reflected within 24-48 hours. 

View LinkedIn's Ad Library

Quickly access the Ad Library to search for ads by advertiser name, keyword, county, or date range.

Go to LinkedIn's Ad Library

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