Getting started with LinkedIn APIs made easy with the Postman API Network

We heard you wanted more examples to make it easier to get started with our APIs – so we delivered! Take advantage of LinkedIn on the Public Postman API Network1

 Our Postman Team hosts 5 separate workspaces across our Talent, Consumer, Learning, Compliance, and Marketing APIs. Each workspace contains use case specific collections set with configurable environments, dynamic variables, and example requests and responses allowing you to easily test out our APIs.

Postman network screenshot

Our collections are not just a set of all CRUD APIs available. We also wanted to provide you with real life examples of how to use our APIs to achieve an end goal like replicating Campaign Manager reporting views, steps to upload a video and create a video ad using our new Content APIs, receiving complex applications through our Apply Connect integration, and ingesting rich learning content through our Learning API catalog.

Linkedin Marketing Solutions collection

Postman supports different types of variables including Environment and Collection level variables. Some of the example requests in each collection will dynamically set variables based on the response for ease of use.  This is specifically useful if the requests are to be run in a sequence like seen in the below screenshot.  If you see a green dot next to the Tests tab, you’ll see javascript parsing through response data automatically setting variables for you!

workflow example

To get started:

  1. Ensure you have access to the APIs you’re interested in. You can learn more by reviewing the overview page of each Workspace using the direct links below.
  2. Create a free Postman account
  3. Navigate to the LinkedIn team
  4. Choose a workspace and fork your first collection
  5. Generate an access token

Don’t forget to watch the collection to ensure you get notified of any changes!

watch collection

Available Workspaces and Collections

LinkedIn Talent Solutions

  • Apply Connect 
  • Job Posting
  • Parent Application Management
  • Recruiter System Connect

LinkedIn Consumer Solutions

  • Live Video

LinkedIn Compliance Solutions

  • Compliance Events

LinkedIn Learning Solutions

  • Learning Activity Reports
  • Learning Content

LinkedIn Marketing Solutions:

  • Ads Lead Generation
  • Events Lead Generation
  • Campaign Management
  • Community Management
  • Content API
  • Reporting & ROI

1:  Postman is an independent entity and is not affiliated with LinkedIn