Marketing Developer Platform Changes | September 2021

Campaign Management

Text Ads top rail sunset 

  • Who’s impacted: Partners that support text ads 
  • What’s happening: We have decided to shift the focus of our Text Ad engagement from the top rail to the desktop right rail experience exclusively to create a better member experience. Starting December 15, 2021, the top rail placement above all other pages will be removed. As a result, your customers may see a decrease in Text Ad campaign pacing and delivery. 

Target companies based on company revenue 

  • Who’s impacted: Partners using the adTargetingFacets and adTargetingEntities endpoints
  • What’s happening: We expanded our targeting functionality to include company revenue of the member’s primary employer(s) as a new facet. Learn More.  

Engagement Retargeting 

  • Who’s impacted: All partners 
  • What’s happening:  With the new Engagement Retargeting API, you can retarget an audience based on content engagement or member actions, such as video viewers or article reads. Learn more

Updated API error messages for adSupplyForecasts to provide the most relevant information

  • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Ad Supply Forecasts API 
  • What’s happening: Some of our error messages are updated (using standardized error schema, which includes new error details) to provide the specific information to make it easier to use our APIs.  Use this information to create more specific forecasting error messages. Learn more

New field for Ad Page Sets API: urlMatchRuleExpression

  • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Ad Page Sets API
  • What’s happening: A new field, urlMatchRuleExpression, will be available for /adPageSets, used to determine if a page view event matches and will replace the existing field matchRules. Learn more


Website Retargeting segments will now show a new state: ARCHIVED

  •  Who’s impacted: Partners using Matched Audience website retargeting segments
  • What’s happening: Website retargeting segments that have not been updated or used in the last 30 days will be archived and can be identified with the new state, ARCHIVED. This will not impact your campaigns. Learn more

Member interests and Matched Audiences lists targeting combination re-enabled

  • Who’s impacted: Partners who target member interest & traits AND with Matched Audiences of types contact list, marketing automation contact list and website retargeting.
  • What's happening: In March, we disabled the ability to include or exclude a contact list, contact marketing automation or website segment with a member interest or trait targeting, due to Apple’s App Tracking legal terms. Now, we’ve made changes to the member interest and traits to make them compliant, and we re-enabled the ability to create the above targeting combination in new campaigns. 

Page Management 

New lifecycle state field: ARCHIVED

  • Who’s impacted: Partners using the UGC API 
  • What’s happening: A new ARCHIVED value has been added to the existing lifecycleState enum. Posts with this value will not be visible on LinkedIn. Posts with the lifecycleState field set to ARCHIVED may be retrieved. 

School Mentions for Shares and UGC API

  • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Shares API to mention a School
  • What’s happening: If you are using a school URN (urn:li:school:{id}) to mention a school, starting November 30, 2021, you will be required to use an organization ID (urn:li:organization:{id}) to mention a school. After this date, you will get an error response when using the Share API with CREATE operations and a school URN is mentioned. Learn more

[reminder] Companies endpoint sunset 

  • Who’s impacted: Partners using the endpoint
  • What’s happening: The /companies endpoint will be sunset and should be replaced with the Organization Lookup API. An example scenario is: /v2/companies?ids=123456&projection=(results*(organizationalEntity)) will become /v2/organizationsLookup?ids=123456

[reminder] Organization Entity ACL API sunset

  • Who's impacted: Any partner using Organization Entity ACLS API 
  • What's happening: We are sunsetting the organizationalEntityAcls API in favor of the organizationAcls API. organizationalEntityAcls API will be removed on October 30, 2021. Learn more.

[reminder] Geo-location migration for Shares and UGC APIs 

  • Who’s impacted: Partners using Share Distribution Target or UGC Target Audience APIs 
  • What’s happening: Similar to the Bing geo migration that migrated location data to a new geo data source for ads targeting, we are deprecating the locations field on Sept 30, 2021 and migrating to the new geoLocations field (already available) for organic (non-sponsored) targeted company Shares or UGC posts. Please use the Geo Typeahead API to get respective geoUrns to be used in the new geoLocations field. Learn more.

Breaking Changes

OAuth 2.0 scopes enforcement

  • Who’s impacted: All partners
  • What’s happening: LinkedIn will sunset all legacy OAuth permissions on December 31, 2021. To ensure that your integration’s OAuth flow is not impacted, your authorization request should only include permissions listed in your application settings. The complete permission list is under the “Auth” tab under “OAuth 2.0 scopes”. Existing access tokens and refresh tokens are not impacted.
  • When: December 31, 2021

[reminder] The legacy adBudgetPricing criteria finder will be sunset

  • Who’s impacted: Partners who use the criteria finder for adBudgetPricing to get insights on pricing metrics
  • What’s happening: The API will be sunset and criteriaV2 should be used instead. 
  • When: Starting September 30, 2021

[reminder] Geo-location migration for Shares and UGC APIs 

[reminder] Change to response header names 

  • Who’s impacted: All partners
  • What’s happening: LinkedIn is changing how we generate our API HTTP response headers, and as a result headers will be all lowercase. Although RFC-2616 specifies that HTTP headers are case-insensitive, your software may be case-sensitive. Please ensure that your handling of LinkedIn headers is done without expecting a case-sensitive match so your integration doesn’t break. 
  • When: Starting September 30, 2021, all APIs will return headers in lower case. 

[reminder] New API call length requirements 

  • Who’s impacted: All partners 
  • What’s happening: To improve our network infrastructure and API traffic, we now require all API calls to meet the new length requirements. Requests exceeding the new length requirements will be rejected. To avoid calls being rejected, we recommend using query tunneling. See migration guide here
  • When: Starting October 30, 2021 

[reminder] Companies endpoint sunset 

  • Who’s impacted: Partners using the endpoint
  • What’s happening: See Page Management section above 
  • When: Starting October 30, 2021

[reminder] Organization Entity ACL API sunset

  • Who's impacted: Any partner using Organization Entity ACLS API 
  • What’s happening: See Page Management section above 
  • When: Starting October 30, 2021

School Mentions for Shares and UGC API

  • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Shares or UGC API to mention a School
  • What’s happening: See Page Management section above 
  • When: Starting November 30, 2021