Marketing Developer Platform Changes | September 2019

Create campaigns on the new set of full-funnel objectives, available with Objective-Based Advertising (OBA)

Who's impacted: Partners using the Ad Campaigns and Ad Reporting API

What's happening: Campaign creation support, in addition to reporting, on the new objectives is now available to all partners. The new objectives are designed to optimize campaigns by showing ads to people most likely to take action and to better measure results based on a marketing objective. If you choose not to integrate OBA, customers will get a different experience on the LinkedIn UI vs. your platform. Learn more.

New ads review rejection reasons

Who's impacted: Any partner using the adCreativesV2 API

What's happening: We've added three new rejection reasons: Lead Gen Form privacy policy missing, inactive job posting, and cryptocurrency, as LinkedIn prohibits ads relating to buying, selling and promoting cryptocurrency. See here for full list of rejection reasons.

Create, update, and delete creatives in DRAFT mode

  • Who's impacted: Any partner using the adCreativesV2 API
  • Reminder that starting October 7, DRAFT status is available for all creative types
  • What's happening: Starting October 7, 2019, developers will be able to create, update, and read creatives that are in DRAFT status for all creative types through the Ads API. See August email.
  • After October 7, remove ad creatives in DRAFT status
  • What’s happening: You now have the ability to delete one or multiple creatives from campaigns. A new API call is available: DELETE creative_id.
  • Note: Creatives must be in draft or under a draft campaign. Learn more.
  • Starting November 1, test and iterate Sponsored InMail in DRAFT status before activating
  • What’s happening: You can now test and iterate InMail creatives in DRAFT status before activating. Starting November 1, 2019, Sponsored InMail will default to being created in DRAFT status, enabling you to test your creative before activating, even if creative status is explicitly set to ACTIVE. You will need to make a subsequent call to update a creative status to ACTIVE. Learn more

Reporting API Updates - adding additional core metrics

  • Who's impacted: Partners using the Ads Reporting API.
  • What's happening: Four new metrics are available: reactions, viralReactions, sends, and viralCommentLikes. Please refer to the Metrics Available section in the API documentation for field descriptions. 

NEW RELEASE: Lookalike Audiences available via API

  • Who's impacted: Partners using /dmpSegments API
  • What's happening: You can now create a DMP lookalike segment through our segments API. A DMP lookalike segment helps you find similar audiences of an existing segment by storing the details of the segment. For example, if your current audience is small, use the lookalike segment to reach a larger group that shares similarities to your existing group. This segment helps you expand or reach new audience types. Learn more.
  • New status for Matched Audience segments
  • Who's impacted: Partners using the adSegmentsV2 and dmpSegments API
  • What's happening: On October 30, 2019, we will launch new statuses and deprecate or replace existing ones for LinkedIn Matched Audiences. See below for more detail and action required.
  • Manage your Matched Audiences with the ability to single or bulk delete
  • Who's impacted: Partners using the dmpSegments API
  • What's happening: Manage your Matched Audiences segments more efficiently by removing segments that are outdated or expired. Learn more.
  • Expand targeting facet combinations with the new boolean construct
  • Who's impacted: Partner that use the Ad Targeting API
  • What's happening: Use the new AND / OR construct to expand the ways you can combine different targeting facets and define target audiences in a more effective and efficient manner. Learn more. To leverage this feature, you must migrate to the new targetingCriteria object. Please see migration section below for more detail. 

Geo-location migration reminder

  • Who's impacted: Any partner using the Ad Targeting API location facet only. This does not impact Share or UGC API.
  • What's happening: In an effort to improve our geo targeting and provide a more comprehensive targeting experience, LinkedIn is migrating to Bing geo data. Refer to this migration guide for additional detail.
  • Expressiveness migration reminder
  • Who's impacted: Partner that use targetingFacets object under the Ad Targeting API
  • What's happening: We are moving to a new, more expressive way of defining target audiences by enabling more ways to combine targeting facets through an AND / OR construct. To leverage this feature, you must migrate to the new targetingCriteria object. Please refer to this migration guide for details. Note, the old targeting object will be deprecated on September 30, 2019.
  • Default scopes migration reminder
  • Who's impacted: Partners that do not explicitly define scopes in the `scope` parameter of their OAuth flow.
  • What's happening: As of September 15, 2019, we no longer support default scopes -- unless you received a separate communication from us extending this date to October 15, 2019. Default scopes allow apps to make calls to /oauth/v2/authorization without explicitly requesting scopes in the scope parameter. If your apps rely on default scopes, they must now request scopes explicitly in their OAuth flow. Refer to this migration guide for details. 

See additional details below. Please submit a Zendesk ticket for any questions. 


LinkedIn Marketing Developer Team

Who is impacted?  Partners using the adSegmentsV2 and dmpSegments API.

What's happening?  On October 30, 2019, we are planning to launch new statuses and deprecate or replace existing ones for LinkedIn Matched Audiences. For more information on the new statuses and segment state transitions that are possible, please see here.

Action Required  Based on the new status and transitions, please ensure the following for all campaigns:

  • Do not include/exclude segments with an EXPIRED, FAILED or ERROR status in campaign targeting.
  • Include/exclude segments with a BUILDING, UPDATING, READY or ARCHIVED status only in campaign targeting.