Marketing Developer Platform Changes | October 2021


LinkedIn Marketing APIs now available on the Postman API Network

All access and refresh token requests should be made using only the POST method

  • Who’s impacted: All partners
  • What’s happening: Reminder that access and refresh token requests should be made using only the POST method with the request header “Content-Type”: “x-www-form-urlencoded” and all required parameters in the request body

Reporting & ROI

Upcoming Reach & Frequency metric changes 

  • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Ad Analytics API 
  • What’s happening: In Q1 2022, we will announce the availability of 9 new metrics on the AdAnalyticsV2 API that will replace the existing approximateUniqueImpressions metric. These new metrics will approximate reach, frequency, and cost per 1,000 reached for three fixed time ranges: previous day, last 7 days, and last 30 days. You’ll be able to pull these metrics for any day. For example, you can pull the “average last 7-day reach” for October 25, (which covers October 18 - October 25), for October 24 (which covers October 17 - October 24), and selecting October 24 - October 25 will average the two individual last 7-day counts. Please plan accordingly to have time to migrate to these new metrics. The exact date for removal of the existing reach metric will be announced when the replacement metrics are available.

Page Management 

[reminder] School mentions now require an organization ID

  • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Shares or UGC API to mention a School
  • What’s happening: If you are using a school URN (urn:li:school:{id}) to mention a school, starting November 30, 2021, you will be required to use an organization ID (urn:li:organization:{id}) to mention a school. After this date, you will get an error response when using the Share API with CREATE operations and a school URN is mentioned. Learn more

[reminder] Companies endpoint sunset 

  • Who’s impacted: Partners using the endpoint
  • What’s happening: The /companies endpoint will be sunset and should be replaced with the Organization Lookup API. An example scenario is: /v2/companies?ids=123456&projection=(results*(organizationalEntity)) will become /v2/organizationsLookup?ids=123456

[reminder] Organization Entity ACL API sunset

  • Who's impacted: Any partner using Organization Entity ACLS API 
  • What's happening: We are sunsetting the organizationalEntityAcls API in favor of the organizationAcls API. organizationalEntityAcls API will be removed on October 30, 2021. Learn more.

Breaking Changes

[reminder] New API call length requirements 

  • Who’s impacted: All partners 
  • What’s happening: To improve our network infrastructure and API traffic, we now require all API calls to meet the new length requirements. Requests exceeding the new length requirements will be rejected. To avoid calls being rejected, we recommend using query tunneling. See migration guide here
  • When: Starting October 30, 2021 

[reminder] Companies endpoint sunset 

  • Who’s impacted: Partners using the endpoint
  • What’s happening: See Page Management section above 
  • When: Starting October 30, 2021

[reminder] Organization Entity ACL API sunset

  • Who's impacted: Any partner using Organization Entity ACLS API 
  • What’s happening: See Page Management section above 
  • When: Starting October 30, 2021

[reminder] School Mentions for Shares and UGC API

  • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Shares or UGC API to mention a School
  • What’s happening: See Page Management section above 
  • When: Starting November 30, 2021

[redminer] OAuth 2.0 scopes enforcement

  • Who’s impacted: All partners
  • What’s happening: LinkedIn will sunset all legacy OAuth permissions on December 31, 2021. To ensure that your integration’s OAuth flow is not impacted, your authorization request should only include permissions listed in your application settings. The complete permission list is under the “Auth” tab under “OAuth 2.0 scopes”. Existing access tokens and refresh tokens are not impacted.
  • When: December 31, 2021