Marketing Developer Platform Changes | May 2022

Campaign Management

Engagement Retargeting not available until further notice

  • Who’s impacted: Partners using or considering the Engagement Retargeting API
  • What’s happening: We discovered a bug that impacts the Engagement Retargeting API. While we resolve the bug, the API will be un-externalized and not available. We’ll update you via this newsletter when the API is available again.

Removal of campaign floor price (unitCost field)

  • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Ad Campaigns API or Ad Budget Pricing API
  • What’s happening: We are removing the floor price for manual bidding campaigns. Beginning on July 18, when creating manual bidding campaigns, advertiser campaigns now must satisfy two criteria: a bid must be greater than 0 and cannot exceed bidLimits.max. Previously, bids had to be greater than bidLimits.min, which is returned by the Ad Budget Pricing API. If you are using bidLimits.min as a requirement for unitCost, you no longer need to and only need to ensure bids are greater than 0. If an advertiser tries to create or update a campaign to have bid > 0 and below bidLimits.min, this will no longer return an error. The campaign will be created successfully.

Brand Lift Test Benchmarking released

  • Who’s impacted: Advertisers currently adopting or will adopt the Brand Lift Test API
  • What’s happening: We’re introducing Brand Lift Test Benchmarking, which provides industry and region-level benchmarks for brand lift results. The solution will [a] allow for comparison of results to other tests that selected the same region and industry, and [b] enable customers to make better decisions from their results by contextualizing brand lift against other advertisers.

Reporting & ROI

New Reporting Metrics

  • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Ad Analytics API
  • What’s happening: 
    • New Reach & Frequency Metrics: Starting June 8, 2022, we will provide 9 new metrics on the AdAnalyticsV2 API to replace the existing approximateUniqueImpressions metric. These new metrics are contained within the averageDailyReachMetrics, averagePreviousSevenDayReachMetrics, and averagePreviousThirtyDayReachMetrics subrecords and will approximate reach, frequency, and cost per 1,000 member accounts reached for three fixed time ranges: the current day, the last 7 days, and the last 30 days. You’ll be able to pull these metrics for any day. For example, you can pull the “average last 7-day reach” for October 25, (which covers October 18 - October 25), for October 24 (which covers October 17 - October 24), and selecting October 24 - October 25 will average the two individual last 7-day counts. approximateUniqueImpressions will be removed July 31, 2022. Calls requesting approximateUniqueImpressions after this date will receive a 400 error in response.
    • Event Registrations: Advertisers can now run ads to drive registrations to online events. The new registrations metrics capture the number of registrations occurring after the member saw or clicked on an ad which is set up to land on the event registration page.
    • Document Progress & Completions: Document ads provide advertisers a way to show documents natively in the feed which users can peruse or download. Document metrics, similar to video metrics, show insight into the progress users make through reading the document and how many times the document has been downloaded.
    • Job Apply Clicks & Applications: Talent media ads promote job pages. jobApplyClicks and jobApplications count when a member sees a talent media ad and then clicks to apply or submits their application on the job’s landing page.

Breaking Changes

 approximateUniqueImpressions metric to be sunset 

  • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Ad Analytics API
  • What’s happening: API requests that include approximateUniqueImpressions metric in their request query will receive a 400 status code error in response. More details to migrate to new reach & frequency metrics are mentioned above.
  • When: July 31, 2022

[reminder] New industryV2 filter for Company Search API 

  • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Company Search API industry parameter
  • What’s happening: If you are currently using the Company Search API to find companies using the filter.industry parameter, we are deprecating the existing filter.industry parameter in favor of a new parameter, filter.industryV2, which supports all values plus 200+ new industry codes. Learn more
  • When: Starting June 30, 2022 

[reminder] Updating LinkedIn Audience Network to being enabled by default via Ads Campaign API 

  • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Ad Campaigns API
  • What’s happening: The LinkedIn Audience Network helps customers reach, engage and convert targeted professional audiences in different trusted environments beyond the LinkedIn Feed to boost performance across advertising objectives. Within the LinkedIn Campaign Manager UI, LinkedIn Audience Network is enabled by default, and we’re updating the API accordingly. This means that the default value for offsiteDeliveryEnabled will change from false to true for new campaigns. If you support our Audience Network in your platform, please ensure that the option for it is also set as true by default so that advertisers can continue to benefit from reach and scale efficiencies. If you do not support our Audience Network, make sure this field is set to false to avoid having ads being served on it. We recommend enabling the Audience Network for all eligible objective types and ad formats. Learn more here.
  • When: Starting June 30, 2022