Marketing Developer Platform Changes | June 2023


Critical API migrations must be completed by June 30, 2023.

  • API Versioning and new Content APIs: We will sunset unversioned APIs and legacy Content APIs (Shares API, UGCAPI) on June 30, 2023. Migrate to versioned APIs and new Content APIs to avoid any disruptions.
  • New Community Management API*: We introduced a new Community Management API in January 2023 to offer more functionality to enable your customers to grow their professional communities. Apply and migrate to the new API to keep your community management integration active. Legacy community management permissions will sunset and be removed on June 30, 2023

Product & Platform Announcements

  • Audience Insights API: Make it easier to plan and understand professional audiences We are introducing the Audience Insights API, which provides aggregated insights into the demographic and firmographic details, and interests of a target audience. These insights help you understand more about “who” the audience is and can be leveraged to discover new audiences, plan & optimize your strategy, and build new audiences to seamlessly start your campaign. This is a private API and requires additional approval to access. Learn more on how to apply here.
  • Ad Analytics API: B2B query templates make it easy to get relevant reporting metrics
  • Templated, B2B-focused queries are now available via Postman collection to enable quick access to B2B-relevant metrics that can be used to build insightful reports and inform optimization. We are starting with 3 focused bundles - Performance Overview, ABM Performance Overview, Conversions Deep Dive - and will continue to evolve our templates library, so please take advantage and share feedback here for future updates.
  • Response format change for thirdPartyTrackingTags API
  • Starting with version 202306, we're making changes to the response format of the thirdPartyTrackingTags API. The GET and FINDER APIs will now return changeTimeStamps instead of changeAuditStamps in their responses. The new changeTimeStamps will still include the created, lastUpdated, and deleted fields, but they will now directly contain the timestamp value instead of being nested within another object with a time field.
  • Query params changes: Enabling unwrapped query params
  • We previously announced that certain query params had to be wrapped - e.g. we required intendedStatuses=(value:List(ARCHIVED,CANCELED)) rather than intendedStatuses=List(ARCHIVED,CANCELED). Based on your feedback and to create a better experience, we’ve decided to revert this decision and enable you to make requests without wrapping the query params. We will support both wrapped and unwrapped query params until the 202305 version. From 202306 onwards only unwrapped query params are allowed. The APIs that are affected by this change are: Ad Analytics APICreatives APIPosts APISaved Audience Template APIVideos API.

Breaking Changes

  • 202207 version will be deprecated and removed from the platform on July 17, 2023. Be sure to update your apps to the latest version before then.
  • Message Ads will be sunset and removed across all versions starting August 31, 2023.
  • Starting with the 202305 and 202306 versions, API decoration will not be supported for certain APIs. See the Recent Changes page in documentation for the complete list of impacted APIs. We’ve created this video to assist you with this change.
  • From 202305:
  • /adPageSets
  • /adSegmentSources
  • /adSegments
  • /dmpSegments/{dmpSegmentId}/companies
  • /dmpSegments/{dmpSegmentId}/destinations
  • /dmpSegments/{dmpSegmentId}/lookalikes
  • /dmpSegments
  • /dmpSegments/{dmpSegmentId}/users
  • /adAccounts/{id}/creatives
  • /posts
  • /adInMailContents
  • /inMailContents
  • /conversationAds
  • /conversationAds/{conversationId}/sponsoredMessageContents
  • /adAccounts/{id}/adCampaignGroups/
  • /adAccounts/{id}/adCampaigns
  • /adLiftTests
  • /adLiftTests/{id}/adLiftTestSurveys
  • /adSupplyForecasts
  • /networkSizes
  • /adPublisherRestrictions
  • /videoAnalytics
  • /brandPageStatistics
  • /organizationAcls
  • /organizationalEntityFollowerStatistics
  • /organizationalEntityNotifications
  • /organizationalEntityShareStatistics
  • /organizationPageStatistics
  • /organizationShareAuthorizations
  • /adInMailMemberSenderPermissions
  • /adBudgetPricing
  • /documents
  • From 202306:
  • /shortlink
  • /conversions
  • /thirdPartyTrackingTags
  • /socialActions/{target}/likes
  • /socialActions
  • /socialActions/{target}/comments
  • /socialMetadata
  • /assets
  • /people
  • /me
  • /dmpEngagementSourceTypes
  • /dmpEngagementSourceTypes/{engagementSourceType}/dmpEngagementTriggers


  • Access and refresh token requests after June 30, 2023
  • Make access token and refresh token requests using the POST method to /accessToken endpoint with the request header “Content-Type”: “x-www-form-urlencoded” and all required parameters in the request body. Using the GET /accessToken endpoint after June 30, 2023 will result in a 400 error.
  • Message Ads to be sunset on August 31, 2023
  • On August 31, 2023, we will be sunsetting Message Ads and recommend switching to Conversation Ads. The ability to create a Message Ad will be sunset across all API versions. Delivery for new Message Ads campaigns will be reduced, and we recommend notifying your clients to stop creating new Message Ads.