Marketing Developer Platform Changes | February 2024

Product & Platform Announcements 

Conversions API (CAPI): Attribute LinkedIn campaigns to business outcomes 

Help your customers navigate measurement uncertainty and impending cookie deprecation with a solution designed to improve full funnel measurement and unlock optimization by connecting online and offline conversions to LinkedIn and using those insights to power campaign optimization. Explore CAPI benefits.

New Lead Sync API: Collect more leads 

The Lead Sync API is easier to access than ever before and includes both organic and paid leads in a single API to help your customers collect leads from more LinkedIn sources. Check out what you can do with the new API


AdAccounts, Campaign Groups, Campaigns, Creative API: Adopt cursor-based pagination by May 31, 2024 to improve scalability of our platform

We are moving from index-based to cursor-based pagination. You will need to use pageToken returned in the previous call to get to the next set of results, instead of accessing a random page using start and count. 

  • Instead of start & count, pageToken and pageSize will be used for pagination
  • PageSize will be used to specify the number of entities to be returned
  • NextPageToken is an opaque string which will be returned in the metadata and it represents the last entity in the response. It can be used to fetch the next set of results by passing it in “pageToken” in the next api call
  • Sorting will only be supported by id. SortOrder will define the sorting order (Ascending/ Descending) of the results
  • Totals will no longer be supported as a query parameter

Lookalike Audiences API: Sunset on February 29

On February 29, 2024, we will sunset the ability to create new Lookalike Audiences in both Campaign Manager and via API, as we evolve our audience solutions and invest in new solutions to help scale marketers’ first- and third-party data. Existing Lookalike Audiences can still be used in campaigns but will not be updated when the seed audience updates. Additionally, the following changes will impact existing audiences: 

  • If the LaL audience is not used in a draft or active campaign for 30 days, it will be ARCHIVED 
  • If an LaL audience is ARCHIVED but added to a draft or active campaign, it will go back to BUILDING but it will not be regenerated. It will reflect the original state of the LaL as it was prior to February 29
  • If an ARCHIVED LaL audience is EXPIRED, it is purged and can never be used again

Migrate to the new Lead Sync API: Collect leads from ads, events, and other organic sources via a single API

The Ads Lead Sync and Events Lead Sync APIs will be deprecated and replaced with the new Lead Sync API. If you’re integrated with any of the legacy APIs, you will automatically have access to the new API and will need to migrate to the new API using the migration guide before July 2024 when version 202307 sunsets. See our YouTube video covering the high level requirements of the migration.