Marketing Developer Platform Changes | August 2023

Product & Platform Announcements

Conversation Ads API: Add subject to a Conversation Ad
You can now add a subject to a Conversion Ad which will appear as the first line in the member’s inbox. Previously it was auto populated with the first conversation message.

mediaArtifactPublicUrls API: API is deprecated
Additional fields have been added to Assets API to support the mediaArtifactPublicUrls use case.

Creatives API & Legacy Creatives API: Updates to Ad Creative Rejection Reasons

We have added six new rejection reason symbols, which could be returned as rejection reasons from the API:

  • We have updated the description of the HEALTH_MATTERS symbol explaining the current policy for rejecting Ads with this reason.

Breaking Changes

The monthly API versions below will be deprecated and removed from the platform on the dates listed. To avoid disruptions to your platform, please migrate the latest API version launched today.

  • 202209 - September 15, 2023
  • 202210 - October 16, 2023
  • 202211 - November 15, 2023

Starting with the 202307 version, API decoration will not be supported for any API. We’ve created this video to assist you with this change.


Message Ads to be sunset on August 31, 2023 On August 31, 2023, we will be sunsetting Message Ads and recommend switching to Conversation Ads. The ability to create a Message Ad will be sunset across all API versions. Delivery for existing Message Ads campaigns will be reduced, and we recommend notifying your clients to stop creating new Message Ads.