Marketing Developer Platform Changes | August 2021

Campaign Management

unitCost field required for manual or target-cost bidding campaigns

  • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Ad Campaign API
  • What’s happening: As a reminder, if you create a campaign using manual or target-cost bidding, ensure that the unitCost field is present and has a non-zero value. If the field is set to zero (0), the campaign will not deliver. Learn more

Delete campaigns or campaign groups in draft mode

  • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Ad Campaign API and Campaign Group API 
  • What’s happening: You can now delete campaigns or campaign groups that are in DRAFT status. Once deleted, these campaigns and campaign groups cannot be retrieved or recovered. Learn more about Campaign and Campaign Group changes. 

[reminder] iOS device member trait sunset 

  • Who’s impacted: Partners that enable targeting by iOS device 
  • What’s happening: With Apple’s App Tracking Transparency (ATT) framework changes in place, we plan to sunset the iPhone user member trait starting August 31, 2021. New campaigns created with the iOS device segment will fail with a 400 error INVALID_VALUE_FOR_FIELD. Existing campaigns targeting the iOS device segment before August 31, 2021 can continue to run their campaigns without disruption. However, any campaign editing operations will fail with the validation error. 

Reporting & ROI

Reach & Frequency Privacy Impact

  • Who’s impacted: Partners using the approximateUniqueImpressions metric from the Ad Analytics API
  • What’s happening: Due to the evolving privacy landscape, we can’t monitor the unique reach of member accounts using the same methodologies as before. As we work towards a better reach and frequency experience that embraces these new privacy initiatives, please note that a small portion of LinkedIn Audience Network traffic will be excluded from the current reach metric, so it may be slightly underestimated for Audience Network campaigns. Consequently, average frequency and cost per 1,000 member accounts reached may be slightly overestimated when using approximateUniqueImpressions in the calculations.

Brand Lift Testing Privacy Impact

  • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Brand Lift Testing API.
  • What’s happening: Due to industry-wide privacy changes, a small amount of traffic from the LinkedIn Audience Network is currently excluded from Brand Lift Tests. If your test includes campaigns that run on our Audience Network, then that portion of traffic won’t be reflected in your results.

Page Management 

Companies endpoint sunset 

  • Who’s impacted: Partners using the endpoint
  • What’s happening: The /companies endpoint will be sunset and should be replaced with the Organization Lookup API. An example scenario is: /v2/companies?ids=123456&projection=(results*(organizationalEntity)) will become /v2/organizationsLookup?ids=123456

Organization Entity ACL API sunset

  • Who's impacted: Any partner using Organization Entity ACLS API 
  • What's happening: We are sunsetting the organizationalEntityAcls API in favor of the organizationAcls API. organizationalEntityAcls API will be removed on October 30, 2021. Learn more.

[reminder] Geo-location migration for Shares and UGC APIs 

  • Who’s impacted: Partners using Share Distribution Target or UGC Target Audience APIs 
  • What’s happening: Similar to the Bing geo migration that migrated location data to a new geo data source for ads targeting, we are deprecating the locations field on Sept 30, 2021 and migrating to the new geoLocations field (already available) for organic (non-sponsored) targeted company Shares or UGC posts. Please use the Geo Typeahead API to get respective geoUrns to be used in the new geoLocations field. Learn more.

[reminder] New API for company search 

  • Who’s impacted: Partners who search companies using industry, location, or other company facets.
  • What’s happening: If you are currently using the /search?q=companiesV2 endpoint to find companies with industry, location, and other criteria, this endpoint will be deprecated and replaced with a new endpoint: /companySearch?q=search API. The old endpoint will be removed on August 31, 2021. Learn more

Breaking Changes

[reminder] New API for company search

  • Who’s impacted: Partners who search companies using industry, location, or other company facets
  • What’s happening: See Page Management section above 
  • When: Starting August 31, 2021

[reminder] iOS device member trait sunset

  • Who’s impacted:  Partners that enable targeting by iOS device 
  • What’s happening: See Campaign Management section above 
  • When: Starting August 31, 2021

The legacy adBudgetPricing criteria finder will be sunset

  • Who’s impacted: Partners who use the criteria finder for adBudgetPricing to get insights on pricing metrics
  • What’s happening: The API will be sunset and criteriaV2 should be used instead. 
  • When: Starting September 30, 2021

[reminder] Geo-location migration for Shares and UGC APIs 

Change to response header names 

  • Who’s impacted: All partners
  • What’s happening: LinkedIn is changing how we generate our API HTTP response headers, and as a result headers will be all lowercase. Although RFC-2616 specifies that HTTP headers are case-insensitive, your software may be case-sensitive. Please ensure that your handling of LinkedIn headers is done without expecting a case-sensitive match so your integration doesn’t break. 
  • When: Starting September 30, 2021, all APIs will return headers in lower case. 

[reminder] New API call length requirements 

  • Who’s impacted: All partners 
  • What’s happening: To improve our network infrastructure and API traffic, we now require all API calls to meet the new length requirements. Requests exceeding the new length requirements will be rejected. To avoid calls being rejected, we recommend using query tunneling. See migration guide here
  • When: Starting October 30, 2021 

Companies endpoint sunset 

  • Who’s impacted: Partners using the endpoint
  • What’s happening: See Page Management section above 
  • When: Starting October 30, 2021

Organization Entity ACL API sunset

  • Who's impacted: Any partner using Organization Entity ACLS API 
  • What’s happening: See Page Management section above 
  • When: Starting October 30, 2021