Marketing Developer Platform Changes | August 2019

Manage your webhooks in the developer portal 

  • Who can use this: Any developer using a webhooks API (currently available only for social action notifications on company posts to beta partners)
  • What’s happening: We now offer self-serve webhook management. Developers can register and validate their webhook URLs prior to creating push event subscriptions. Learn more.

New status for creatives review 

  • Who’s impacted: Any partner using the adCreativesV2 API
  • What’s happening: We’ve added a new AUTO_REJECTED value to the ReviewStatus enum in the adCreativesV2 API. See here for reasons why an ad is rejected. Learn more.

Use DRAFT status for all creative types 

  • Who’s impacted: Any partner using the adCreativesV2 API
  • What’s happening: Starting October 7, 2019, developers will be able to create, update, and read creatives that are in DRAFT status for all creative types through the Ads API. This means the search finder for adCreativesV2 will start to include creatives in DRAFT status that match the criteria. To exclude DRAFT creatives in your search, update your code to explicitly specify values for the search.status.values parameter before October 7, 2019.

Update your non-standard OAuth 2.0 requests

  • Who’s impacted: All partners sending an empty bodied post to our platform.
  • What’s happening: Starting November 15, 2019, non-standard HTTP POST requests that have an empty body without content-length header will no longer be supported and will result in a standard 411 status code. Please refer to this documentation for more details. 

Update your app logo using a square image file

  • Who’s impacted: All partners who have previously provided a URL for their app logo.
  • What’s happening: Starting September 26, 2019, LinkedIn will no longer accept external URLs to be used as app logos. Users must upload a square image file with at least 100x100 pixels.

New features including: edit forms in draft mode and a new member profile link field 

  • Who’s impacted: Partners that use the Lead Gen Form API  
  • What’s happening: Starting August 28, 2019, you can edit Lead Gen Forms (LGF) that are not attached to any creatives or only attached to creatives under a DRAFT campaign. 
  • When: Starting September 23, 2019, we’re also adding the member profile URL as a new predefined form field option. Please ensure your integration can dynamically handle new predefined field ENUMs or is updated to handle this new value. If you choose not to support this new field, and your customer includes it in their LGF, it will not show up in reports pulled from your platform. Learn more

New metric: maximum potential spend

  • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Ad Supply Forecasts API
  • What’s happening: A new value for metricType called MAX_POTENTIAL_BUDGET has been added to the /adSupplyForecastsV2 resource. It enables you to understand total spend hypothetically available, if an advertiser has unlimited daily budget total budget. 

New metric types in forecasted results 

  • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Ad Supply Forecasts API
  • What’s happening: New forecasting metrics available including: leads, message sends, video views, and more. Please refer to the updated documentation for the metricType field. Learn more

Take advantage of enhanced forecasting 

  • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Ad Supply Forecasts API
  • What’s happening: Use new parameters (enableAudienceExpansion, enableAudienceNetwork, and optimizationTarget) to enhance forecasting by understanding the impact of enabling those campaign features. Learn more

Select your attribution type with new field, ‘attributionType’

  • Who’s impacted: All partners
  • What’s happening: New field ‘attributionType’ enables you to select your attribution type: multi-campaign or last-click. Last-click is a new attribution type that only counts the conversion towards the single, most recent campaign a member interacted (impression or click) with in the attribution window (1,7,30 day), versus all campaigns. Learn more

Auto-populate domains in your ad account 

  • Who’s impacted: Any partner who uses the Matched Audiences or Conversion Tracking API.
  • What’s happening: Domains are now auto-populated in an ad account when a signal is received from the customer’s website. You can also allow/block domains from attributing conversions, matched audiences and website demographics. Learn more. As a result ‘insightTagDomain’ will be deprecated and replaced with ‘insightTagDomain V2’ (see deprecation section below).

Conversion tracking through first-party cookies 

  • Who’s impacted: Any partner who tracks conversions via our Insight Tag.
  • What’s happening: New field ‘firstPartyTrackingEnabled’ offers the ability to track additional conversions through creation of first-party cookie, in addition to a third-party cookie, by sharing click IDs with LinkedIn that will be automatically added to landing page URLs for their ads. Learn more.

Customize your conversion window 

  • Who’s impacted: All partners 
  • What’s happening: New fields ‘postClickAttributionWindowSize’ and ‘viewThroughAttributionWindowSize’ enables you to customize a 1,7,30-day conversion window for a post-click or view-through conversions. The default conversion window for view-through is 7 days and post-click is 30 days. Learn more.

Geo-location migration reminder

  • Who’s impacted: Any partner using the Ad Targeting API location facet.
  • What’s happening: In an effort to improve our geo targeting and provide a more comprehensive targeting experience, LinkedIn is migrating to Bing geo data. Refer to this migration guide for additional detail. 

insightTagDomain’ replaced with ‘insightTagDomain V2’ 

  • Who’s impacted: Any partner who uses tracks conversions via our Insight Tag.
  • What’s happening: Since we are auto-populating domains (see above), this will eliminate the steps of creating a manual insight tag domain and map it to conversion rules. We recommend partners to move to new endpoint: Insight Tag Domains V2. Learn more. 

adSupplyForecasts criteria finder resource has been removed

DomainID’ & ‘urlRules’ for conversion tracking, replaced with ‘urlMatchRuleExpression’ 

  • Who’s impacted: Any partner who uses tracks conversions via our Insight Tag.
  • What’s happening:DomainID’ and ‘urlRules’ fields are being deprecated because our system is no longer matching the domain while processing conversion events. There is no replacement for ‘DomainID’. ‘urlRules’ will be replaced with `urlMatchRuleExpression` that supports AND and OR operations.
  • When: ‘DomainID’ and ‘urlRules’ is deprecated and will be removed November 26, 2019. 

adBudgetPricing criteria finder resource has been removed

Please submit a Zendesk ticket for any questions. 


LinkedIn Marketing Developer Team