Marketing Developer Platform Changes | April 2023

Migrations & Breaking Changes

  • Critical API migrations must be completed by June 30, 2023.

Please review details below for recent API enhancements that may impact your apps.

If you have impacted apps, please make the necessary changes immediately or set aside time/resources to complete updates before June 30th 2023.

  • Migrate June 2022 versioned APIs to the latest version prior to June 15, 2023
  • Beginning June 2022, we introduced monthly versioning of our APIs and committed to supporting each monthly version for 12 months. Applications using the 202206 version of any versioned APIs must migrate to the latest version before June 15, when we will release the June 2023 versions of our APIs.
  • Reminder about access and refresh token requests after June 30, 2023
  • All access token and refresh token requests should be made using only the POST method to /accessToken endpoint with the request header “Content-Type”: “x-www-form-urlencoded” and all required parameters in the request body. We will start returning 400 errors on the GET /accessToken endpoint after June 30, 2023.

Schema changes

  • Ad TargetingAd Targeting Entities API: Starting with the 202304 version, we're changing the format of certain query parameters in the adTargetingFacet finder, the similarEntities finder, the typeahead finder and the urns finder. In the finders, entityType, queryVersion, and fetchType would be records containing the expected values instead of directly accepting values. For example, entityType=SENIORITY would become entityType=(value:SENIORITY).
  • Ad TargetingAd Targeting Facets API: Starting with the 202304 version, we're changing the $URN field of type urn in the GET_ALL method to adTargetingFacetUrn of type AdTargetingFacetUrn.

Deco Updates

Product & Platform Announcements

  • Images API & Videos API: Beginning with the 202304 release, we are removing a role check for company URN owners and member URN owners when retrieving an image and/or video. For partners using a combination of /posts and /images or /videos, if /post API viewability checks are satisfied (e.g. you need to own the post as a member or company admin or be a role in AdAccount) you will be able to access images through /images and videos through /video.
  • Ad Analytics API:
    • Introducing IMPRESSION_DEVICE_TYPE pivot: Starting with the 202304 version, we are introducing the IMPRESSION_DEVICE_TYPE pivot for both the statistics finder and the analytics finder. When this pivot is used, the results will be grouped by the device type the ad made an impression on, such as MOBILE_APP and DESKTOP_WEB.
    • Deprecate API Decoration starting from the June 2023 version: Starting with the 202306 version, we are removing API Decoration from the Ad Analytics API. As an alternative, individual requests can be made to access the corresponding entity associated with a URN. More information can be found in LinkedIn Marketing API URN Resolution. For eligible pivots of the Ad Analytics API, we are adding a note that indicates which type of URN will be returned for each pivot. For example, if the MEMBER_COMPANY pivot is used with an analytics finder, then the response will contain a pivot value in the format urn:li:organization: <organizationId>
  • Ad Publisher Restrictions API: Externalizing the type field Starting with the 202304 version, we are introducing a new field type. This field can be used to create allowlist by passing type as ALLOWLIST in create method. This is an optional field having a default value as BLOCKLIST for backward compatibility since in earlier versions we supported only creation of BLOCKLIST from API. For example, “type”: “ALLOWLIST” can be used to create allowlist.
  • New training videos To support our developer community, we've started to produce training videos on topics we think you'll find helpful. Our first two cover: