The Global Biodiversity Standard (TGBS)

The Global Biodiversity Standard (TGBS)

Conservation Programs

The only international certification that recognises & promotes biodiversity protection, restoration, & enhancement.

About us

The Global Biodiversity Standard is the world’s only international standard that recognises and promotes the protection, restoration, and enhancement of biodiversity. It provides assurance that land management interventions such as tree planting, habitat restoration and agroforestry practices undertaken by organisations and governments are protecting, safeguarding, and restoring biodiversity, rather than inadvertently causing harm. Its mission is to replace the ‘any tree at minimal cost’ solution to climate change and tree planting with long-term, best practice solutions that combine the considerations of biodiversity, local communities, and carbon capture by providing recognition, incentives, assurance and knowledge. TGBS has been developed by Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI), the Society for Ecological Restoration (SER), the Plan Vivo Foundation, TRAFFIC, Center for International Forestry Research and World Agroforestry Centre (CIFOR-ICRAF) and Ecosia. The development of the assessment methodology has also been supported by Rabobank, Reforest’Action, the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Bioflore, Space Intelligence and The assessment methodology has been tested in six countries by Auroville Botanical Gardens (India), the Centre for Ecosystem Restoration – Kenya, Huarango Nature (Peru), Jardim Botânico Araribá (Brazil), Missouri Botanic Gardens Madagascar Program and Tooro Botanical Gardens (Uganda). The development of the Global Biodiversity Standard was supported by funding from the Defra, UK Darwin Initiative Extra project DAREX001 and Etihad Airways.

Conservation Programs
Company size
2-10 employees

Employees at The Global Biodiversity Standard (TGBS)


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