

Online Audio and Video Media

Cupertino, CA 590 followers

Connecting the world on a human level in 90 seconds.

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StandOutIn90Sec connects human beings to their customers and communities. How? By asking YOU probing questions like “What’s your life motto” OR “What’s one advice you would give to your younger self” … And the succinct answer reveals the human being behind the name, title, resume. Raw, unfiltered and super succinct! Why is this important today? In a world filled with 1⃣ digital overload 2⃣ incessant distractions 3⃣ and human connections getting weaker. Getting the audience's time and attention is harder than ever. But it can be done by humanizing people. On the hot seat in StandOutIn90Sec And the video creates enduring bonds and surfaces unique value! Check out and subscribe to

Online Audio and Video Media
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1 employee
Cupertino, CA


Employees at StandOutIn90Sec


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    View profile for Ashwin Krishnan, graphic

    Revealing The Real You. Authentic. Unscripted. On StandOutIn90Sec! Tech Leaders - Humanize your people to foster greater engagement. Event Hosts - Humanize your speakers before your event to drive attendance.

    Would you join me on my show if I told you it might change your life in just 90 seconds? On StandOutIn90Sec, my guests embark on an emotional rollercoaster as I pose rapid fire questions at them that evokes .. • Discomfort turning to revelation • Challenges sparking growth • Introspection leading to breakthroughs • Empathy blooming into connections • Authenticity sparking community bonding And these are just a few of the emotions they have expressed to me post recording 😅! But here's the real magic: It doesn't end when the camera stops. Our conversations spark a ripple effect, creating a vibrant community where: 1. Viewers become active participants 2. Strangers turn into supporters 3. Shared experiences forge lasting bonds Curious? Dive into our YouTube channel and witness the transformations yourself. Are you a leader looking to ignite this kind of authentic connection within your organization? Let's chat about bringing the StandOutIn90Sec experience to your team. Only if you are ready to stand out, connect deeply, and transform - all in just 90 seconds 😀! #connect #emotion #StandOutIn90Sec #humans

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    View profile for Ashwin Krishnan, graphic

    Revealing The Real You. Authentic. Unscripted. On StandOutIn90Sec! Tech Leaders - Humanize your people to foster greater engagement. Event Hosts - Humanize your speakers before your event to drive attendance.

    My Unexpected Tech World Inspiration ... Six years ago, I was just another face in the crowd at the Structure conference in San Francisco. Little did I know that moment would help me navigate my professional life in ways I couldn't imagine. As Jeetu took the stage, something in me shifted. It wasn't just his words - it was the way he carried himself, the authenticity that seemed to radiate from him. In a world of polished presentations, here was someone who felt genuinely... human. Feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness, I sent him this message on LinkedIn a year later: 'Jeetu, I saw you on stage at the Structure conference in SFO last year. Your comments and shares reveal your human side and I am inspired to write to you. I feel there is a lot of common ground and ideals we share.' And we connected here. Over the years, his posts became a source of inspiration for me. The authenticity, candidness, honesty each of them embraced left me feeling more motivated, more human in an often cold tech world. A few months ago, I gathered my courage and reached out with a big ask - would he join me on StandOutIn90Sec? The moment he said yes, I felt a spring in my step showcase someone I'd admired for so long. And while the video was recorded and shared over six months ago, I think a rerun is in order - the enduring nature of his answers is the reason 😀! Now, as I see Jeetu step into his role as Chief Product Officer at Cisco, I can't help but feel a sense of personal pride. It's like watching a friend succeed - even though we've never met in person (hope that changes soon 😀), his journey has definitely helped me identify my own north star in my own professional growth. But here's the thing that really gets me: despite his success, Jeetu remains the same approachable, genuine person I first admired. Just last week, we had a brief exchange in our DMs that left me in awe. (I can't wait to share more about that soon!) Jeetu, if you're reading this - thank you. Thank you for showing me that it's possible to climb the corporate ladder without losing your humanity. Your example has pushed me to be more authentic, more empathetic, and more helpful in my own career. You've inspired me not just to be a better professional, but a better human being. In a world where tech often feels impersonal, you're a reminder of the power of human connection. #humans #authenticity #StandOutIn90Sec #leaders

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    View profile for Ashwin Krishnan, graphic

    Revealing The Real You. Authentic. Unscripted. On StandOutIn90Sec! Tech Leaders - Humanize your people to foster greater engagement. Event Hosts - Humanize your speakers before your event to drive attendance.

    In just the past week, my network has expanded in remarkable ways: • Solveiga connected me with Markus, Michael, and Kevin. • Rajiv suggested I connect with Josh. • Kashira introduced me to Ambassador Terry. This surge of introductions got me thinking: Why would these amazing people take the time to connect me with others? I believe I know the answer. Solveiga, Rajiv, and Kashira understand my passion and purpose. They know I'm dedicated to connecting with people on a deeper level – unveiling their human side, the vulnerable, authentic, and raw aspects we often hide. They've seen how these genuine connections can unfold in just 90 seconds on StandOutIn90Sec! A heartfelt thank you to Kashira, Rajiv, and Solveiga for your trust and support. I'm thrilled about the upcoming conversations with Ambassador Terry, Josh Peltz, Markus Neukom, Michael Kainatsky, and Kevin Smith. Stay tuned – you'll be hearing from them on the show very soon! What I've come to realize is that when people truly understand your mission and values, they become active supporters of your cause. By consistently sharing your passion and demonstrating its value, you inspire others to join in and amplify your efforts. It's a beautiful reminder that when we lead with authenticity and purpose, we create a ripple effect of positive change – one connection at a time. #humans #StandOutIn90Sec #connections

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    View profile for Ashwin Krishnan, graphic

    Revealing The Real You. Authentic. Unscripted. On StandOutIn90Sec! Tech Leaders - Humanize your people to foster greater engagement. Event Hosts - Humanize your speakers before your event to drive attendance.

    I really have only one .. not 13K Maybe you guessed what I am referring to. Yup LinkedIn followers. And that one follower is myself 😀. Every single of the 13K is a micro follower. Because they are following thousands of others. So calling them a follower is misleading coz’ the time and attention they can afford to my posts is fleeting. Unless … I can bring value every single time. Something that would teach, inspire, engage, and maybe sometime tear them up as well. And by doing so suddenly they are giving more attention to me than the others they are following. Why is this important? Because the ego boosting, self-inflating 13K number I have is really just that. A number. And to all the gurus teaching you how to grow your follower count, take a deep breath and ask yourself this. What can I do that will transform my micro follower to a bit more than that? And not get caught up chasing those meaningless numbers. Like I did until I woke up and became more conscious, deliberate and brutally honest with myself. What does number of followers mean to you? #followers #impact

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    View profile for Ashwin Krishnan, graphic

    Revealing The Real You. Authentic. Unscripted. On StandOutIn90Sec! Tech Leaders - Humanize your people to foster greater engagement. Event Hosts - Humanize your speakers before your event to drive attendance.

    A video share by my one of my fav LI gurus (a real and honest one) - Richard van der Blom - and a comment on his video by another of my fav ones - David Meece - tagging me and calling out Pooh was the trigger for this totally unexpected video post! And Richard's post and David's comments that teared me up in the comments!

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    View profile for Ashwin Krishnan, graphic

    Revealing The Real You. Authentic. Unscripted. On StandOutIn90Sec! Tech Leaders - Humanize your people to foster greater engagement. Event Hosts - Humanize your speakers before your event to drive attendance.

    I Never Made It to the Finals, But I Won Something Greater ... Seven years ago, a chance radio tune-in changed me. As I heard about the "Bollywood Undercover Rockstar" singing competition, something stirred within me. I'd always loved to sing, but this was different. This was a challenge. On a whim I applied. On the day of the competition, fear gripped me. Severe cold feet. A last-minute vet appointment for our dog seemed like the perfect escape. But as luck would have it, the appointment ended quickly. My wife's gentle encouragement pushed me forward. "Go for it," she said. And so I did. Stepping into the venue, reality hit hard. The competition was fierce. Amazing youth talent surrounded me, their voices soaring with confidence. But as I took the stage, an unexpected calm washed over me. My performance wasn't perfect. I went off-tune briefly, missed a few beats 😅 . Yet, I persevered. Each note became a battle against my self-doubt, each lyric a triumph over fear. I didn't make it to the finals. But standing there, under the spotlight, I realized I had won something far more valuable. I had conquered my fears, silenced the voice of self-doubt, and embraced the thrill of taking chances. This moment became a turning point. It gave me the courage to gradually walk away from the "path well trodden" in Silicon Valley's tech world and forge my own unique journey to StandOutIn90Sec. Why am I sharing this story now? To encourage you, dear reader, to take that leap. Seize the moment that scares you. Embrace your fears and use them as fuel. Just Do It – whatever "it" may be for you. Life's greatest victories often come not from flawless performances, but from the courage to try. So go ahead, hit that play button on your dreams. And if you stumble, be gentle with yourself. The act of trying is a win in itself. P.S. If you're curious to see my crooning from that day, feel free to watch - but be gentle 😂. And for my non-Hindi speaking friends, this is a Bollywood song! #bollywood #rockstar #StandOutIn90Sec

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    View profile for Ashwin Krishnan, graphic

    Revealing The Real You. Authentic. Unscripted. On StandOutIn90Sec! Tech Leaders - Humanize your people to foster greater engagement. Event Hosts - Humanize your speakers before your event to drive attendance.

    Have you ever had a conversation that made you realize how much you've changed? I recently did, and it was eye-opening. A few days ago, I reconnected with an old acquaintance—a renowned Silicon Valley tech entrepreneur turned successful investor. We hadn't spoken in years, and I reached out and we met for coffee. Even a few years ago, I think I would have felt a tad intimidated and in awe of his "success." His Silicon Valley credentials would have loomed large in my mind. But this time was different. As we started talking, something shifted. He shared a personal story that caught me off guard. His sister had called from India, asking, "Do you want to know the bad news or the really bad news first?" What followed was a tale of unimaginable challenges—family crises, health scares, and personal setbacks. Listening to him recount these experiences, I was struck by his resilience, perseverance, and kindness in the face of adversity. In that moment, the Silicon Valley aura disappeared. He wasn't a Silicon Valley success story - we were just two humans sharing our experiences as sons, husbands, fathers, and temporary inhabitants of this planet. That's when it hit me: I had changed. I realized that a large part of this change has come from my experiences hosting StandOutIn90Sec. Through countless interviews, I've encountered humans—not executives or leaders, but real people sharing their life stories. This experience has taught me to see the vulnerable, honest, and authentic person in everyone I meet. And I realized my persona in front of the camera and mic had extended into real life, allowing folks to be themselves - just humans - and as they shared their stories, so did I, and a deeper bond ensued over coffee chats too!! To Mr. R: Thank you for our chat, for your openness, and for unknowingly holding up a mirror that allowed me to see my own growth. Your story reminded me of the importance of pausing to reflect on our shared humanity. This experience has left me with a profound sense of gratitude. It's a reminder that beneath our titles, achievements, and social status, we're all just humans navigating this complex journey of life. And sometimes, it takes a conversation with an old acquaintance to make us realize how far we've come. What conversations have changed your perspective recently? How have you grown without even realizing it? #humans #stories #StandOutIn90Sec #vulnerability

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    Revealing The Real You. Authentic. Unscripted. On StandOutIn90Sec! Tech Leaders - Humanize your people to foster greater engagement. Event Hosts - Humanize your speakers before your event to drive attendance.

    It's not a podcast. It's a commitment to respect the audience. Recently, an influencer posted here encouraging her followers to start podcasts as a 'hack' to attract clients and generate leads. I commented .. "In today's saturated content landscape, launching another podcast isn't a guaranteed success. With audiences overwhelmed, distracted, and suffering from FOMO (Fear of Missing Out), attracting and retaining listeners is harder than ever." Before starting a podcast, we need to ask ourselves: WHY? What unique value will the podcast offer to an already digitally overwhelmed audience? Success comes from committing to a clear focus while consistently adapting to changing audience's needs. It's not about adding to the noise—it's about cutting through it. I speak from experience. When I first ventured into livestreaming, podcasting, and webinars, I sometimes faced zero audience members and no downloads 😅 . It was a stark reality check. This experience profoundly shaped my approach when I launched StandOutIn90Sec. I became acutely aware of my audience's distractions and the overwhelming choices they face daily. It became clear: unless I could offer something truly tangible and valuable, it wasn't worth starting. With StandOutIn90Sec, my commitment to the audience was in the title itself. I promised to make my guests stand out, asking for just 90 seconds of the listeners' lives. This clear value proposition and respect for the audience's time became the north star for my show. And - thus far at least - the response has been gratifying 🙏. For anyone looking to jump into podcasting or any form of content creation, I think this mindset is crucial. Your audience's time is precious—make sure you're offering something worthy of it. What are your thoughts? #Audience #attention #StandOutIn90Sec

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    View profile for Kashira Fatima, graphic

    Empowering Non-Native English speakers to ask for clarity with confidence| Recognised as Top 1000 speakers of the Country 🎙 | Host of Podcast ‘simplifying_life_with_kashira’| Award-Winning Keynote Speaker 🏆

    Are you relevant? Or are you burning out? in a content driven world! In today's world, the pressure to constantly create content, write articles, comment, and engage with posts just to stay relevant can feel overwhelming. I asked Ashwin about this on my podcast Simplifying Life With Kashira and Ashwin shared an interesting perspective: 'it does get overwhelming if you're doing it just to meet your goals.' For Ashwin, the joy comes from deeper human conversations that keep his passion alive. Thank you so much Ashwin for being such a wonderful guest and sharing amazing insights on the show. Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the need to stay relevant? What keeps you going? If you haven’t seen it yet, catch the full episode with Ashwin here! - #SimplifyingLifeWithKashira #ContentCreation #AuthenticConnections #Podcast #FindingBalance

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    View profile for Ashwin Krishnan, graphic

    Revealing The Real You. Authentic. Unscripted. On StandOutIn90Sec! Tech Leaders - Humanize your people to foster greater engagement. Event Hosts - Humanize your speakers before your event to drive attendance.

    In our fast-paced digital age (hey I did not mention AI 😉), genuine human connection often gets lost in the shuffle. That's why I created "StandOutIn90Sec" - to spark authentic conversations and let remarkable people's true selves shine through. After conducting over 450 insightful interviews (you could say I've become a professional people-watcher 👀 or as a past guest and good friend called me Original Gangster of Human Connections 😂), I'm now bringing this platform to organizations. This 2-minute video showcases the "why" behind it all, featuring a mashup of past guests from Cardinal Health whose stories generated huge engagement with the community. I guess you could say they really...stood out 😉 The key is peeling back the layers through deep, probing questions. And doing it succinctly because we live in a TikTok world 😁 Bringing out the human side that forges real connections beyond the surface level. No filters needed here! Check out the 2-minute video and let's #StandOutIn90Sec together! If you're looking for creative and enduring ways to build human connections within your organization, I'd be happy to discuss how "StandOutIn90Sec" can help. I promise, it'll be the most fun you've had with HR since the annual holiday party (minus the karaoke, hopefully)! #humans #employees #StandOutIn90Sec #connection

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