Holberton: Speaking of Leadership®

Holberton: Speaking of Leadership®

Professional Training and Coaching

Wolfeboro, NH 488 followers

Coaching High Performing Corporate Executives and Leadership Teams to Improve Their Performance Through Mental Fitness

About us

Successful companies demand strong yet centered leaders. There’s no way around it. To be competitive, a company needs to build organizational capacity and increase profitability. Companies demand excellence—every day—from their entire leadership team. So, how do you empower your leaders to meet the demands of your organization? Phil Holberton is a business advisor and executive coach with over 30 years of executive management experience. He is also an award-winning professor of Leadership at Brandeis University. His advisory work is based on practical strategies which are situational yet grounded in theory. He uses proven business tactics to guide your leaders towards reaching your corporate goals. Phil is a natural facilitator adept at bringing all stakeholders onto the same page. For client success stories, go to: https://speakingofleadership.com/case-studies/ Whether your company needs help solving a specific problem, requires ongoing advisory services, or needs a veteran executive to coach members of your executive team, Phil Holberton can help. Don’t jeopardize success. Ensure your business leaders are the best they can be. Speaking of Leaderships offerings include: --Growth Strategy Development --Executive Presentation Coaching --Organizational and Executive Development --Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Development --Professional Transitions --Mental Fitness Training

Professional Training and Coaching
Company size
2-10 employees
Wolfeboro, NH
Leadership, Investor Pitch Consulting, Executive Coaching, Organizational Development, Executive Presentation Coaching, Professional Transitions, Growth Strategy, Business Consulting, Public Speaking Coach, Mindset Coach, and Mental Fitness



  • Every year brings new excitement.

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    Founder and President @ Speaking of Leadership® | Vistage Chair - Boston | Mentoring the CEOs of tomorrow

    🎉 Celebrating 20 years on LinkedIn! 🎉 Happy to share my professional journey during the past one year: 📈 My content received 107,328 views! Glad they sparked conversations.  I've had the privilege of following 503 inspiring individuals, learning from them, and staying informed on the latest trends. 🤝 I connected with 395 amazing professionals that led to exciting opportunities and insights. Thank you for being a part of my journey!

  • Building Teams That Lift More Than Just Weights Building a high-performance business team is like getting into shape: it doesn't happen overnight, and you can't just wish your way to success. It takes sweat, some tears (hopefully from laughter), and the occasional protein shake mishap. Let's explore how turning your team into a squad of business athletes can lead to lifting more than just weights — we're talking about lifting your company's performance to Olympian heights. 1. The Warm-Up: Stretching Toward Continuous Improvement Before any serious workout, you've got to stretch to avoid pulling a muscle. This action translates to warming up your team's brainpower in the business gym. Encourage a culture of continuous learning and skill development. Think of it like flexing those mental muscles so that when it's game time (or, you know, a big project), your team is ready to squat the heavy stuff without breaking a sweat. Fitness Connection: Diversity in skills and thought is like a well-rounded workout routine. You wouldn't just do bicep curls daily and expect to run a marathon. Similarly, a team that's all about one thing will need to be more agile to handle the business decathlon thrown their way. 2. Crafting the Game Plan: Strategy Meets Spandex Every athlete needs a strategy to enter the game, just like no one hits the gym without knowing which muscle group they're targeting that day. It's about having a plan and being ready to throw it out the window if the gym is crowded and all the good machines are taken. Flexibility is critical, both in your hamstrings and your business tactics. 3. Team Cohesion: More Than Matching Sweatbands The secret sauce to any great sports team isn't just talent; it's chemistry. Think of your business team like a group of gym buddies. Sure, you're there to lift, but you're also there to motivate each other, spot the heavy lifts, and occasionally compete over who's got the best gym playlist. Building that sense of camaraderie and mutual support is crucial, and yes, matching sweatbands are encouraged. 4. Building Resilience: The Art of the Comeback Every athlete has faced setbacks—maybe a sprained ankle or a bench press that turned into an unexpected nap. The point is they come back stronger, and that's what your team needs to do. When a project flops or a deal falls through, it's about getting back up, chalking it up to experience, and maybe doing a few extra reps in post-mortem meetings to build that business resilience. 5. Celebrating the Wins and Learning from the Losses Post-workout, there's nothing like analyzing your performance and, yes, indulging in a little victory protein shake. The same goes for your team. After a project wraps, take the time to review what worked like a charm and what was more of a faceplant. Celebrate the wins and your losses (when you will learn the most), and always keep an eye on the prize: continuous improvement and growth. #leadership #ceo #boston #vistage

  • Are Leaders Born or Are Leaders Made? My own view is Leaders are like professionals (sports, arts, etc.): Some have more natural talent than others, yet it is the growth in this talent that propels them into a level of mastery. The most important point is we have to want to grow our talent at an emotional level, not a cognitive level, to achieve mastery. In a Forbes article – Top 10 Qualities That Make A Great Leader, the qualities of a great leader identified are: 1 Honesty 2 Ability to Delegate 3 Communications 4 Sense of Humor 5 Confidence 6 Commitment 7 Positive Attitude 8 Creativity 9 Intuition 10 Ability to inspire This is an excellent list, yet how do we attain these qualities? Feels like this could be a giant juggling act. From the list above, one of our finest qualities as a leader is to have a positive attitude, yet even more importantly is to inspire our followers into having a positive attitude, as well. When we have followers with a positive attitude they will be doing their best work. It is amazing how we can bring the best out in each other when we are working from a “glass is half full” frame of mind. Picture this: When we are in the “glass half empty” frame of mind, we are working from a set of negative emotions. Our mind is spinning, we dwell on the negative and our painting of the future is unwelcoming. When we are in the “glass half full” frame of mind, we are functioning with optimistic emotions, the whole world is standing tall and we are on top of it. I notice this about myself – for many years I did not understand this phenomenon. I do my best work when I am feeling good about life, essentially having a positive attitude – some call this hope – about our future. It starts with us as individuals, after that moves to workgroups or family units and is followed by organizations and subsequently societies. One of America’s most famous motivation experts, Zig Ziglar, said:  “Your Attitude will Determine your Altitude”. We cannot be effective at group or organizational levels if we are not effective at our own personal level. Are you an Effective Leader? Have you subscribed to my LinkedIn C-Suite Digest newsletter? #leadership #Vistage #Boston #CEO

  • Steadfast Leadership in Unpredictable Times One topic that can be particularly challenging and heart-wrenching to navigate is leading your organization through an economic downturn. As someone who has weathered various storms in my career, I understand the weight of responsibility that rests on your shoulders during these trying times. Here are some strategies to help you make difficult decisions, manage financial hardships, and be a compassionate leader when the going gets tough. Assess the Situation Honestly: In times of economic downturn, it’s crucial to face reality head-on. You must be transparent with your team about the challenges ahead. Navigating an economic downturn can be isolating, so a peer group can be helpful where fellow CEOs offer support, share insights, and act as a sounding board. Having a community of peers who understand your challenges can provide a valuable perspective and help you make more informed decisions. Make Data-Driven Decisions: When facing financial hardships, emotions can cloud judgment. As a CEO, you must rely on data and insights to make informed decisions. Analyze cost structures, revenue streams, and identify areas that require immediate action. This data-driven approach will help you prioritize essential initiatives and allocate resources more effectively. Prioritize Employee Well-Being: Your employees are the heart of your organization, and their well-being must be a top priority. Before considering layoffs or restructuring, explore alternative measures to reduce costs, such as implementing furloughs, salary cuts, or reduced work hours. Show empathy and compassion by being transparent about your decisions and how they will impact the team. Leading an organization through an economic downturn is a true test of leadership. By making data-driven decisions, prioritizing employee well-being, handling layoffs with empathy, and fostering innovation, you can navigate these turbulent times with resilience and compassion. Remember, you’re not alone—reach out to peer groups like Vistage to gain valuable insights and support from those who have walked a similar path. Together, we can steer our organizations through these challenges and emerge stronger on the other side. Stay strong, CEO, and lead with compassion and strategy. #boston #ceo #vistage #peergroup #leadership

  • Building a Trusted Boardroom of Advisors For CEOs, the view from the corner office can be breathtaking. But it can also feel like you’re trapped in a glass fishbowl, isolated from the world below. The decisions you make carry immense weight, and your vast network, while impressive, often needs more depth and honesty for truly strategic guidance. You crave more than just networking; you yearn for a trusted boardroom of advisors. Enter the Vistage Group Forget the superficial networking game. Vistage offers an intimate, confidential peer group, not just another Rolodex of contacts. Think of it as your brain trust, hand-picked for its experience, expertise, and unwavering commitment to your success. These CEOs have walked in your shoes, faced challenges, and emerged victorious. They’re not here to impress or sell but to share their hard-won wisdom, challenge your assumptions, and hold you accountable to your highest potential. Imagine This: •A room filled not with competitors but with trusted confidantes. •A space where you can dissect your biggest hurdles without fear of judgment. •Honest feedback is readily available, and shared experiences weave a powerful tapestry of knowledge and a safe space to explore vulnerabilities that empower, not weaken. This is the magic of the Vistage group. It’s a sanctuary where vulnerability empowers, collective wisdom transcends, and your leadership journey unfolds with purpose and unwavering support. Join the Vistage Group – Invest in Your Boardroom, Invest in Your Future Move beyond the shallow waters of traditional networking. Invest in a community that provides more than just contacts. Invest in a trusted boardroom of advisors, invest in the Vistage group, and unleash the true potential of your leadership. Our Boston group is seeking executives in the health, transportation, legal and insurance industries. Please snd me a DM to see if you are a good fit for this peer group. #boston #CEO #vistage

  • Have you heard of Vistage? It’s an organization that offers leadership training, coaching, and support to CEOs and business owners. They have over 45,000 members from around the world! Why should a business leader join a Vistage peer group? It’s more than just a social club – they’re all about learning and growing as a leader. Each group has an experienced Vistage Chair who can guide the conversation or offer advice. There are many resources and training opportunities, from workshops to webinars, to help you improve your communication skills, build a stronger team, and develop a more effective strategic plan. Our Boston group is currently seeking executives in the insurance, financial and transportation industry. Please DM Phil Holberton if you are interested in learning more. #Boston #Vistage #Leadership #PeerGroup

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) has recently become a buzzword in the business world. It is a disruptive technology that has the potential to transform various industries. It has already begun to revolutionize how leaders think about AI, make decisions, manage their teams, and interact with stakeholders. If utilized effectively by competent leadership, AI can substantially enhance businesses’ operations. The impact of AI on businesses is enormous and can be used to leverage improvement. Four Ways to Use AI as a Business Owner 1. Process Large Amounts of Data and Provide Insights This is one of the most significant impacts of AI. Leaders can use AI to collect data on their customers, employees, and operations, which can help them make better decisions. With AI, you can identify patterns and trends that would have been near impossible to detect manually. These findings will lead to more efficient and effective decision-making. This can help leaders be more agile and responsive to changes in the business environment. 2. Develop a More Inclusive Workplace By using AI-powered tools, leaders can analyze their hiring and promotion practices to identify potential biases and take steps to eliminate them. It can also help leaders monitor employee engagement and satisfaction, leading to better retention rates and increased productivity. AI can allow leaders to create a more diverse and inclusive workplace, leading to better business results. 3. Training and Development These tools can help leaders identify the skills and competencies their employees need to develop to perform their roles effectively. This can help leaders to tailor their training programs to the specific needs of their employees, leading to more efficient and effective training. With AI, leaders can create a continuous learning culture, leading to higher employee engagement and satisfaction. 4. Communication With Stakeholders   AI-powered tools can help leaders to analyze their stakeholders’ behavior and preferences, which can help them to tailor their communication strategies accordingly. These findings can lead to more effective communication, which can help leaders to build stronger relationships with their stakeholders.   This tool will allow leaders to create a more transparent and collaborative business environment, leading to better business performance. Overall, the impact of AI on corporate leadership is vast and promising.  When used to its fullest potential it can enhance leadership by providing leaders with real-time insights, helping them to create a more inclusive workplace, improving training and development programs, and enhancing communication with stakeholders. Leaders who embrace AI can create a more efficient, effective, and innovative business environment, leading to better business success. How will you use AI tools to improve your company and how you do business? #AI #Leadership #CEO

  • Ascending as a Leader There’s a challenge that we all face on our path to success: the CEO ceiling. It’s that point where our growth seems to have stopped, leaving us feeling stuck. Today you’ll learn actionable strategies that will help you smash through that ceiling and ascend to new levels of leadership. Embrace Peer Groups As a member of Vistage, you receive immense value in being part of a peer group. However, the key lies in fully utilizing this to break through your CEO ceiling. Engage with your fellow members, share your challenges, seek advice, and be open to feedback. Remember, iron sharpens iron, and the collective wisdom within your group can propel you forward. Regularly attend peer group meetings and actively participate in discussions to tap into the vast wealth of knowledge and experience within the group. Develop a Growth Mindset and Willingness to Change To shatter the CEO ceiling, embracing a growth mindset is essential. Believe in the idea that your skills and abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work. Challenge your existing assumptions, be open to learning, and actively seek opportunities for personal and professional growth. Invest in executive education programs, attend relevant conferences, and immerse yourself in leadership and innovation literature. Continuous learning is the key to staying ahead in today’s dynamic business landscape. Surround Yourself with Exceptional Talent In the world of CEOs, you’re only as strong as your team. To break through the ceiling, surround yourself with exceptional talent that complements your skills and bridges the gaps in your expertise. Hire individuals who are more knowledgeable than you in certain areas and empower them to excel. Foster a culture of innovation and collaboration that encourages creativity, propelling your organization forward. Remember, a diverse and skilled team can help you overcome challenges and achieve breakthrough success. As a Vistage member, you would have a unique advantage. The support, guidance, and collective wisdom of this peer group can propel you forward like never before. Take the leap and unlock your true potential as a leader. Remember, the only limit to your growth is the one you set for yourself. Our Boston Vistage group is currently seeking executives in the financial, transportation, health and insurance industries. Please DM me to see if our group is a good fit for you. #Boston #Vistage #CEOs #leadership

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  • The shift toward remote work has reshaped the way you, as an executive, communicate and lead your teams. Effective executive communication is more crucial than ever in fostering collaboration, maintaining team morale, and driving organizational success. Explore strategies tailored for executives to navigate and excel in the remote work era. Embrace Digital Tools for Seamless Communication In a virtual workspace, you must leverage various digital tools to bridge the gap between your team members. Integrating these technologies can enhance your communication efficiency and effectiveness, from video conferencing platforms to project management tools. Craft Clear and Compelling Messages Clarity is the cornerstone of effective communication. Explore techniques for crafting clear and compelling messages that resonate with different audiences. Learn to distill complex ideas into concise, accessible language without sacrificing depth. Build a Culture of Open Communication Remote work can sometimes lead to feelings of isolation. Utilize strategies for fostering open communication within your executive teams, and emphasize the importance of regular check-ins, virtual town halls, and interactive platforms that promote dialogue and collaboration. Tailor Your Communication Style Understand the nuances of virtual leadership and how it differs from traditional leadership styles. Try adapting your approaches for various situations, from team meetings to one-on-one discussions, ensuring you have effective leadership in every interaction. Leverage Storytelling Storytelling is a powerful tool in any executive’s toolkit. Use stories to convey critical messages, illustrate values, and personally connect with your team members, fostering a sense of shared purpose and motivation. Address Miscommunication Remote work can sometimes lead to misunderstandings. Explore the common challenges and provide practical solutions for your team to overcome them, ensuring that messages are accurately received and interpreted. Incorporate Visual Communication Strategies Visual communication can set you apart in a world saturated with virtual meetings. See the impact of visual elements in your presentations, offering tips on creating engaging visuals that enhance the overall message. As you navigate the complexities of the remote work era, mastering your communication is a non-negotiable skill for leadership success. #Boston #ceos #Vistage #Leadership

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  • Get to know me. Did you know that since 1996, I have enjoyed additional coaching and business advisory services, focusing on senior-level coaching for individuals and organizations requiring leadership development. In 2012, I became affiliated with Vistage International and currently run successful CEO, KEY Executive, and Emerging Leader Peer Advisory Boards. From 1997 to 2017, I was an award-winning adjunct professor at Brandeis University (Organizational Leadership and Decision-Making; Professional Communications and IT Strategy: Organizational Strategy). Today I am a member of its Advisory Board. Philanthropically, I served as the vice-chair of MIT Enterprise Forum of Cambridge’s Executive Board and was past president of the Financial Executives Institute’s Boston Chapter of 1,000 financial officers. Are you a CEO or business owner in the Boston area? We would love to have you join our peer group. Please DM me for more information about joining this great group of executives. #Vistage #Boston #CEO #Leadership

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